Where is 1.1?

I disagree, in these early stages of the product. Although I HAVE had to up my meditation schedule (that's mediTation, not mediCation!) ;)
Specially because of the early stage, i think it's better to release more often with less features, because users who are missing only 1 important feature could move earlier to xf once the missing feature is implemented..
Now they need to wait for implementing/finishing "all" new features

my 0.02$
Kier said today that future point releases will come quicker after 1.1 is released as this was a "big" update to include the most commonly requested features. (y)
Specially because of the early stage, i think it's better to release more often with less features, because users who are missing only 1 important feature could move earlier to xf once the missing feature is implemented..
Now they need to wait for implementing/finishing "all" new features

my 0.02$
Point taken and understood... The downside of that being that then we'd have to wait longer for the next update to get access to great additional features that have been (in Kier's words) "commonly requested", and once again the small but excellent XF team would get inundated by emails saying Why didn't you include what we've been asking for? And the associated email flood of How long til the next release so we can finally get the features so many of us have been requesting for (fill in time frame).

We definitely don't want these guys to burn out dealing with tons of emails like that. I hope they'll get the coding done, the bugs squashed, and release it this week!!! :D
I think if they weren't side tracked with spending money on fighting lawsuits, that 1.1 might have been done a bit quicker.
And if they weren't spending money on lawsuits, they could hire more developers so they wouldn't have to work 12-14 hours a day and make videos at 2am in the morning. :D

And if they weren't spending money on lawsuits, they could hire more developers.
Xenforo shouldn't hire any developers.
They should open up a MarketPlace to allow paid addons to compete with each other.
Survival of the Fittest.

A year is long? :cautious:
I like having a yearly release. Less than that would drive me a bit mad having to constantly upgrade at a faster pace, personally.

A year is long considering the newness of Xenforo.
I wonder if it would have been better to push out a few features like Custom User Fields a long time ago because people were waiting for that.
DD; I agree that M/K could do this just fine on their own, especially as they understand each other and know what is expected and how things are done. A third one in the pool will lower their work load in the long haul perhaps, but it requires training and overview, etc. I am sure as the company grows they eventually are forced to review that position. Anyway, it's not up to us. What is up to us is the involvement as a customer to help others; be it with answering sales/support questions if we so desire, or be it with releasing add-ons / customizations / resources, free or not. What I personally rather see than competition between paid developers is partnership. Work together, share code snippets to get things achieved and work on projects together to use strengths from all parties involved. I am confident that would lead to better products.
As much as it sound good in theory, in reality unlikely to happen. Some people will always offer time / resources for free, and the community may or may not appreciate their generosity. However for most developers there needs to be financial incentives to be able to commit time resources for not only generating the add-on but for supporting its lifespan.

And if a collabrative effort was done and the add-on is being sold, what kind of recourse do you have if you are not receiving your share? Or some one takes your add-on makes a small change and re-sells it; what kind of recourse do you have? I don't think the XF team is large enough to be able to take on that quagmire.

Additionally who's to say a feature that is added to the core product in a point release which in turn makes your add-on obsolete?
However for most developers there needs to be financial incentives to be able to commit time resources for not only generating the add-on but for supporting its lifespan.

1. Yes I have developed numerous addons and whenever I did not used them anymore, I did not develop them. If there would be a financial incentive, then I'd still working on improving them.

2. Another thing is that lots of addons are perfectly fitted to my community. They don't fit into other communities up to the point that I did not even created an installer for them. For no financial incentive, I am not doing this.

3. I did program all the installers and published them to the public but I never got feedback on improving the product on a coders level. So the product did not improve on itself. If there would be a way that programmers really go into the code of other addons and improve it, then it could be also an incentive.
3. I did program all the installers and published them to the public but I never got feedback on improving the product on a coders level. So the product did not improve on itself. If there would be a way that programmers really go into the code of other addons and improve it, then it could be also an incentive.
I have no clue of php and xf:p
but i've done this several times in the past...
There are several coders who aren't open for suggestions and don't want to hear that some-thing's wrong... (result was deleting a really nice add-on release here at xf.com... :( that's why i stoped this... At least i'm very thankful, if somebody shows what i'm doing wrong or when he describes what i could change to get better performance... )

I still have no problem with spending my time & helping (e.g fuhrmans add-on: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/who-locked-unlocked-thread-1-0-0.20655/ where we had several conversations where i helped him...) but only if somebody askes for help.... anything else results in drama queen fights:D
The best solution for a developer would be to sell his addons and get advice from coders, too :)
I have no clue of php and xf:p
but i've done this several times in the past...
There are several coders who aren't open for suggestions and don't want to hear that some-thing's wrong... (result was deleting a really nice add-on release here at xf.com... :( that's why i stoped this... At least i'm very thankful, if somebody shows what i'm doing wrong or when he describes what i could change to get better performance... )

I still have no problem with spending my time & helping (e.g fuhrmans add-on: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/who-locked-unlocked-thread-1-0-0.20655/ where we had several conversations where i helped him...) but only if somebody askes for help.... anything else results in drama queen fights:D

And i really aprecciate that!
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