Where is 1.1?

Sounds like my wife.
Hang on...I make the wife jokes 'round here :p
You better hope your wives don't catch wind to that, they may join forces and form a first wives club on yah :-)

Btw, tomorrow's the day ;) I can feel it...
That would be cool, really cool...I though I felt it to...but it turned out to be hunger pains :-) I hope your spider sense is better than mine :-)

Is that before, after or during? If during, nice work (y) :LOL:
Tomorrow. IS. THE. DAY
I know; I'm very excited for Switchfoot's new album too!

Oh, you meant 1.1? That's next week. /psychic predictions (y)

Seriously, though--is ForumCon this week? Not that it will certainly lead to any announcements, but I lost track of what dates that event was.
I'm going on a week's vacation, if 1.1 is released during this time damn my forum has to wait for it to be updated :P

I posted it on Kier's profile, I'll post it here as well. After 1.1 XenForo will be more than (normal worlds can describe) awesomefantasticiamazingaddwhateveryoucan, so just wait for it ;) If we want it to be awesomefantasticiamazingaddwhateveryoucan patience is a must :P
A strong argument against a xF 1.1 release tomorrow would be that Kier is a hands on coder and so passionate about xenforo he's be unlikely to release 1.1 until he's ready to squash any tiny bugs that might creep up.
And being tied up with ForumCON would focus his attention in another direction.

Look for XenForo to announce *ALL* the features of XenForo 1.1 @ ForumCON - and release when Kier gets back to the UK.

Trivia: Who is the only speaker not listed on the Speakers Page, but is listed as a Speaker on the Home Page @ ForumCON ?
I am going to agree with DD on this one. Doubtful release tomorrow with Kier all tied up. But you never know! :p

PS - I have complete confidence that Mike could handle the fires in Kier's absense, lol. :)
I cant stop laughing. I kept seeing the references to ForumCon and I thought that it was an in-joke. Eg that 1.1 was so special that Kier and Mike were holding a special conference to announce it.

But after following DD's link I see that it's very real. It looks interesting and I agree that it would make sense for Kier to announce 1.1 at ForumCon. BTW what if Kier runs into the IB folks? Awkward!
Awkward for the person representing IB....Kier isn't the one of the two parties that should have trouble looking someone in the eye with their head held high.

Fully agreed, I meant it would be awkward for IB.

Especially if it's one of the guys who used to work for Kier and is now working for a company trying to eliminate the competition through law courts rather than quality codes!
See the thing is IB is so big....the chances of the person who will be speaking for IB having anything to do with the case is quite null. I think IB's rep that is speaking was in charge of buying sites for some automotive sites collective and branding them an IB product. It's easy to hide behind an army yah know.
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