

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
Brogan submitted a new resource:

WhatsXFessenger - Sup?

Tired of conversations looking exactly the same as threads?
Didn't think so.

Members getting confused between threads, conversations, and profile posts and keep posting embarrassingly private stuff in threads?
No, mine neither.

Ever felt that XF conversations would be waaaaaaayyyy better if they resembled one of the well known messenger apps?
Nah, thought not.

With that in mind, ladies and gentlemen, meine damen und herren, mesdames et messieurs, hanimlar ve beyler ... I hereby present to you ...

Read more about this resource...
Naturally it won't be possible to provide support for custom layouts, styles, problems, etc., due to conversations only being accessible by participants.

It's impossible to diagnose from a screenshot.

So you will have to use the browser inspector to resolve any issues.

I'm off for a lie down.
I love this, looks fantastic, but it seems that aligning the messages for self and others doesn't seem to be working for me, tried right and left aligning, nothing...

Attaching a screenshot of an old and non-sensitive convo to demonstrate.ConversationNotAlternating.webp
Great. I would suggest just another name for this add-on. I would call it Messenger or XenMessenger.
Fessenger gives me a lot of the idea of Fesso. Which in Italian means idiot, hahaha.
Is it possible to hide another avatar?
With avatar many free spaces... :

Without avatar no free spaces.

Thanks a lot!
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If you hide the avatars of others, you won't know who the message is from in conversations with more than two participants.

As above, use the browser inspector to determine why the blank space is showing.
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