XF 2.1 What's New not working for users that are not logged in


Active member
"What's New" is broken if you're not logged in.

The menu tab, which goes to this link, shows no new messages:

However, if you click on the "new posts" tab, they're visible.

"What's New" works as expected for logged in members, which is why I haven't noticed the issue and have no idea when it started.

Oddly, on my train forum, which I thought was set up identically, it seems to work fine.

Both on the same server etc, and since it works when you log in, it seems like it's a permission thing?
Thank you for the kind words on the forum!
I found and fixed the problem. I had a staff only topic that is a holding zone for RSS feeds prior to review. It was full of RSS feeds, and since they're not visible to the public, no new posts showed. Why it didn't work as "what's new" but does work when you view "new posts" is a mystery. Seems like a bug to me, but I was able to fix it by excluding that node from new posts.
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