What should I use my XF license for?

Kind of off toping.

But, I was just wondering... how do licenses become non-transferrable? And how do we prevent ourselves from purchasing one in this state?
Kind of off toping.

But, I was just wondering... how do licenses become non-transferrable? And how do we prevent ourselves from purchasing one in this state?
Licenses can only be transferred one time. Buy a new license from XenForo and your can transfer it one time to someone else.
Licenses can only be transferred one time. Buy a new license from XenForo and your can transfer it one time to someone else.
Can we transfer it to ourselves more than once? Say we buy a license and 1 forum niche fails and/or we lose interest in it, then start a second, and a third. It's not changing hands, but the domain associated with it is...
Can we transfer it to ourselves more than once? Say we buy a license and 1 forum niche fails and/or we lose interest in it, then start a second, and a third. It's not changing hands, but the domain associated with it is...
Transfer means selling or giving to another party. So long as the license stays on your account, you can change the domain/install location as much as you'd like. There's no restriction on changing where the license is used... so long as you're meeting the license requirements. (i.e. you cannot use the same license for two different sites, etc.)
Transfer means selling or giving to another party. So long as the license stays on your account, you can change the domain/install location as much as you'd like. There's no restriction on changing where the license is used... so long as you're meeting the license requirements. (i.e. you cannot use the same license for two different sites, etc.)
Thanks! I suppose I'll start another and tread in a couple of unknown areas now as I was under the impression that we could only transfer once, including to ourselves.

Sorry to the OP, @steventmcevoy , for being in this position though.

However, if you find nothing unethical with what @JoyFreak suggested, and XF licenses allow for this, I would honestly consider it even in 2020. I was making "bank" (a couple hundred/month was bank at that age) with rev share while in Junior High/High School (under my mom's name who had no idea what it was really from). I think rev share is all but yet gone (haven't looked into this in years), but a commission is still good nonetheless, even with low conversion rates if you can pump the traffic into it (one way you could do it is buying expired domains that had previous adult traffic and backlinks and just continue to do so). Some of my adult names yield me a couple of cents to bucks a month with just type-in traffic. So in all seriousness, if you have the content, they will come by accident, stay for real, and may even convert to a paying customer in the form of an affiliate.
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