What is Cloudflare ? How does it help webmasters ?

I started to notice yesterday that the site can be quite inconsistent. Sometimes it's really zippy and at other times it can be really slow -- slower than when I didn't use CloudFlare. A webpagetest.org test also confirmed this. For instance a fairly normal load time is 4++/1++ for first and repeat views. But then I may get a 5++/3++ (notice the much slower repeat views which doesn't make sense since I'm caching my website heavily), and when it's really bad it'll go as long as 5++/5++, 19++/23++ and so on.
Hmmm....do you have the beta features turned off (Auto Minify, Rocket Loader)? I have seen some interesting results with testing services that may be attributed to these features.

Also, while I think this has been mentioned before, your hosting provider could possibly do rate limiting if they see too many requests from the same IPs. Unless you install mod_cloudflare, or some equivalent, they may throttle if they see requests coming from the same IPs. You also want to make sure that they aren't blocking requests (or you have something on your server) blocking these CloudFlare IPs.
We currently require all employees to work in the San Francisco office. My hunch is this may change when we go to 24/7 support at some point. I would still try to apply...we've actually had a number of employees come from "out of area" that relocated to SF.

Clarifying that this is for:
a legacy reborn
-Mod_cloudflare is so original visitor IP gets passed back to your server. If sites are using CloudFlare, which all of them should;-0, our IPs get passed back and requests might look like an attack for some hosts. Passing along the original IP can help hosting providers know it isn't an attack, and it makes it much easier to know where traffic is coming from.

-Try turning Auto Minify off (might cause some issues) & see if the reporting is different.

-We made a ton of changes to routing in Asia that should speed things up for most (Asian traffic right now is huge, which is causing our network engineer to go gray..ha!).
-Mod_cloudflare is so original visitor IP gets passed back to your server. If sites are using CloudFlare, which all of them should;-0, our IPs get passed back and requests might look like an attack for some hosts. Passing along the original IP can help hosting providers know it isn't an attack, and it makes it much easier to know where traffic is coming from.

-Try turning Auto Minify off (might cause some issues) & see if the reporting is different.

-We made a ton of changes to routing in Asia that should speed things up for most (Asian traffic right now is huge, which is causing our network engineer to go gray..ha!).

I see. I will try to ask the hosting support to install mod_cloudlfare then. :)

I will also turn Auto Minify off.
"I see. I will try to ask the hosting support to install mod_cloudlfare then."

Cool; I do know that people on shared hosting (if you are) generally have more issues doing so.
How good are CloudFlare's nameservers? Right now my sites use DynECT SMB, which is a geographically-distributed, load-balanced and fault-tolerant system.
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