WHAT IF: vb guys won the case vs xenforo?

All very simple...
Move to China or N. Korea.
No-one gives a stuff what happens over there.
If.... IF... vB won the case, they would forever and 100% lose me as a supporter, beta tester and license holder. As it is, I'm holding onto those "positions" right now only because I have obligations to vB clients whose sites I manage and maintain. But if XF goes down because of the vB bullcrap, then I'll have to choose a new path.

But as others have stated, XF won't go down if vB wins. They'll just have to make adjustments, and though I would still have to work with vB sites for my clients, I would resign as a tester and license holder.

Not that cbiweb would be missed by anyone there, but I don't hang with bullies.
Its not at the point to think about that. Kier and Mike or Mike and Kier will give us the infos early enough about what happens. To open a Thread with any of these considerations atm is, in my opinion, useless without having detailed informations which we "dont" have.
This discussion is just oil to the fire.
Folks, its a legitimate question.

The answer is no one knows for sure. A legal case isn't like a football game with a winner and a loser. IB could "win" the case, but that doesn't mean they would own XF. The judge could decide that way, he could decide that IB is owed a percentage of XF sales for a period of X years, or he could decide that IB is awarded a one time fee of $1 or anything in between.

There is no crystal ball.

And for anyone convinced it CAN't happen, remember this: in a California criminal court, OJ was found innocent while in a California civil court, he was found guilty. Anything is possible in California.
Court cases don't deliver verdicts in binary. Even if IB won, that doesn't mean xF would close down. They may have to pay damages or accept IB as percentage partner or sign an agreement to not allow the conversion of any vb forum to xf etc. etc. The chances of a xF closure due to legal proceedings are next to none unless Kier Mike and Ashley decide to close it. Even if the court was to order XF closure, i am sure UK/US courts allow appeal. Between the verdict of this lawsuit and following appeals to conclude it might be several years down the line. Honestly does anyone really know what will happen after 2-3 years with VB or any other forum software or their own selves for that matter?

So make a decision on what seems to be the right choice now.
The claims made in the case are public knowledge. The source code of both applications is available for anyone to compare. I would suggest that people look for themselves at the code, or ask the opinion of someone with the neccesary expertise (ie: any accomplished PHP/MySQL/JavaScript programmer) and form their own conclusion as to the likelihood of the claims being upheld in a court of law.
The claims made in the case are public knowledge. The source code of both applications is available for anyone to compare. I would suggest that people look for themselves at the code, or ask the opinion of someone with the neccesary expertise (ie: any accomplished PHP/MySQL/JavaScript programmer) and form their own conclusion as to the likelihood of the claims being upheld in a court of law.
You're right.
The judge must also understand. This is usually the biggest problem.
And for anyone convinced it CAN't happen, remember this: in a California criminal court, OJ was found innocent while in a California civil court, he was found guilty. Anything is possible in California.
Although the alleged crime would have had to happen in California.
The claims made in the case are public knowledge. The source code of both applications is available for anyone to compare. I would suggest that people look for themselves at the code, or ask the opinion of someone with the neccesary expertise (ie: any accomplished PHP/MySQL/JavaScript programmer) and form their own conclusion as to the likelihood of the claims being upheld in a court of law.

Kier, I did just what you suggest. I've been a programmer and IT professional since 1987. I've written code in over a over dozen languages from assembler, to Ada to PHP and almost everything in between. To say that XF is based upon VB is like saying a Dodge Challenger is based on a Ford F150 pickup because they both have headlights, steering wheels and door handle without every considering the vast difference in the engines or transmissions.

To me, the conclusion of any reasonable, rational person would be to toss IB out of court after giving them hell for taking up the court's time on a frivilous lawsuit. If only California judges were know for being reasonable and rational.
If the judge is going to ignore experts (like Fred) who testify for XF, then it's a crooked judge, so I can't see how XF can lose unless IB bribes the judge/jury. In that case I'm sure XF can appeal and ask for different jury/judge.

I hope my trust in the American justice system isn't too naive.
Q: WHAT IF: vb guys won the case vs xenforo?
A: xenForo 1.0 stable would be released as vBulletin 5 gold.
And vBulletin sales would skyrocket. Everyone would upgrade from vB 3.x to 5.
I just want to see video of the XF team Rollin up to court in a limo blaring California Love by Tupac
Maybe this is a bit far fetched for anything other than a humorous cartoon, But dammit it would be worth seeing
I think it will be more like this after the judge dismisses the case.
Kier/Mike are played by Alice Cooper.
IB played by Wayne and Garth

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