What do you really like about XF?


Well-known member
What makes XF stand out for you? What do YOU really like about it?

(Feel free to come back to the thread as and when you think of things to add)
I'll start off with a few:

UX - Personality

XF has personality. When you use it, it feels alive. Whether it's the little feedbacks you get when posting something, adding a post to multi quote, alert while you were on a thread to the small touches to animations, that fade out and slide away. When you interact with it it feels alive. (It would be great now, to extend that to when you are not 'doing stuff' - but merely observing or reading, eg while on the forum homepage - live updates of sorts; threads posted or posts made while you were watching, how many people looking at each forum, etc)

Back end

XF has been pretty rock solid so far - a testament to the level of coding. And while talking about the devs, I really like how Mike posts so much on the forum - helping people out, speaking to them and discussing things. It shows he is interested in how we are using his software, and that he genuinely wants to make it better for all of us.

The mods and community

It feels like the mods (and many in the community) get more involved with XF than on other platforms. Lots of guides (and plug-ins) written by mods here - much more than I see elsewhere. :)
The use of AJAX moderation. Being able to quickly move threads and other admin actions is such a nice feature. Putting the controls close to the thread title is fantastic.

Yeah, have to agree there Andy - that was a very welcome and unexpected touch when I first started using it.
Helpful peers who are also forum operators.
Software that works.
Helpful staff who appear to be online 24/7.
Software that works.
History of reliable upgrades/updates.
Did I mention software that works?
Strong add on developer community.
Oh yeh, software that works.
Generally happy and constructive user community.
Mike & Kier
I'm here from vB 3.x my most favorite forum software of all time. They made it when they were at vB
Hope they will do the same with xF, still some way to go for the perfection over vB3.8
Mike & Kier
I'm here from vB 3.x my most favorite forum software of all time. They made it when they were at vB
Hope they will do the same with xF

I think they have already surpassed vB 3 :D

I have just given mods access to my new forum and they said they can't wait for our other (vB 3) forum to move over as well :lol:
I think they have already surpassed vB 3 :D

I have just given mods access to my new forum and they said they can't wait for our other (vB 3) forum to move over as well :lol:
They have in most areas but still there are some crucial functionality missing. hope they will implement them in near future.
Having recently gotten my hands on a copy of XenForo (demo until I get the money to purchase it in a few weeks), I'd have to say it's the intuitive design, the excellent UI, and most of all, the fact that it's a brilliant software that just works. And like @AndyB mentioned, the AJAX moderation is a fantastic addition. The devs have really done a great job. (y)
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