Watch the Skies!

If it falls from the sky into your back yard how do you not own it? Especially if you are outside the US, and you didn't give them permission to land the unit on your property.
Are you one of those neighbors who refuse to give kids their ball back if it accidentally lands in your yard?
Please stay on topic.
He was. You should be familiar with contrast and compare as a logical construct. What you really mean to say is, "SFTU for using a common, everyday event to show how absurd my claim is."

Are you one of those neighbors who refuse to give kids their ball back if it accidentally lands in your yard?
Please stay on topic.
This is how I interpret this...Kevin is literally asking if he is rude to people that aren't in his circle..that's how I interpret the ball over the fence idiom...which from one standpoint is a legit question. From the other side you are directly asking him if he is "that guy" which is his freedom to not answer if he thinks he has made his point and feels confident in his logic and that in my opinion in a respectful community we would just move along on to the next thing.

From my point of view pirate's request seems to infer that he feel's that he is being put on the stand because of his compare and contrast logic of a guy with private property that has oil trucks or whatever using his property as a shortcut and him closing the gate to get them to stop because he does not want them to drive through his self-paid and owned private driveway which is also a logical thing to think..if I pay a sum of money for private land I would not let traffic on my property either.
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