Posts such as suffer from this bug. A XenForo site administrator recently sent me a private message emphasising the importance of precision formatting when posting to The FreeBSD forums … and so on.
The following examples should make clear the undesirable effects of the loss.
Note the misalignment:
Whilst those two examples may be viewed as cosmetic, there is – I believe – a real problem when white space is lost from some other types of code (where leading white spaces, indents, are critical). reminds me that this XenForo bug was discussed in 2014, around the time of migration of MacRumors Forums.
I vaguely recall some comment that the altering of code was intended to reduce a risk of some sort. Is that so? (@arn can you recall the conversation?) Whatever the intention, it's technically undesirable to alter code in this way.
Thanks for your consideration …
The following examples should make clear the undesirable effects of the loss.
Note the misalignment:
$ htop
1 [||||||||||||||| 30.3%] Tasks: 131, 0 thr; 5 running
2 [||||||||||||||||| 37.4%] Load average: 1.52 1.14 1.02
3 [||||||||||||||| 30.8%] Uptime: 17:45:22
4 [||||||||||||||| 30.3%]
Mem[||||||||||||| 3.49G/15.8G]
Swp[ 0K/8.00G]
0 root -16 0 0 8096 S 0.1 0.0 5:36.36 kernel
1 root 20 0 5412 720 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.22 /sbin/init --
476 root 20 0 20028 4596 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.25 /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -s -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_su
488 root 52 0 10620 2096 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 dhclient: wlan0 [priv]
489 _dhcp 20 0 10620 2332 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 dhclient: wlan0
603 root -44 -44 25072 5084 S 0.0 0.0 0:04.19 /usr/local/sbin/webcamd -i 0 -d ugen0.7 -B -U webcamd
710 root 20 0 12712 1648 S 0.0 0.0 0:46.83 /usr/sbin/moused -A 1.5 -p /dev/ums0 -t auto -I /var/r
775 root 20 0 9544 5280 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.07 /sbin/devd
903 root 20 0 10496 1996 S 0.0 0.0 0:01.58 /usr/sbin/syslogd -c -ss
1055 root 52 0 12628 1628 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/iscsid
1075 root 20 0 10452 2256 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
1077 root 20 0 272M 3936 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.06 /usr/sbin/rpc.statd
1085 root 52 0 16624 3864 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/rpc.lockd
1099 messagebu 20 0 13124 3668 S 0.0 0.0 0:04.11 /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --system
1145 root 52 0 20020 2296 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 /usr/local/sbin/jobd
1149 _ntp 20 -20 21344 3640 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 ntpd: ntp engine
1150 _ntp 52 0 21344 3772 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 ntpd: dns engine
1151 root 20 -20 21344 3512 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/sbin/ntpd -s -f /usr/local/etc/ntpd.conf
1154 root 20 0 19852 2340 S 0.0 0.0 0:53.79 /usr/local/sbin/powerd++
1184 root 52 0 10456 1672 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 daemon: /usr/local/bin/sysadm-server[1186]
1186 root 28 0 123M 19244 R 19.7 0.1 16:42.87 /usr/local/bin/sysadm-binary
1195 root 52 0 13172 1972 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /bin/sh /usr/local/sbin/PCDMd
1203 root 20 0 12712 1788 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/moused -A 1.5 -p /dev/psm0 -t auto
$ kldstat
Id Refs Address Size Name
1 159 0xffffffff80200000 1ddea90 kernel
2 1 0xffffffff81fe0000 30af90 zfs.ko
3 2 0xffffffff822eb000 ac98 opensolaris.ko
4 1 0xffffffff822f6000 21890 geom_eli.ko
5 1 0xffffffff82318000 23698 geom_journal.ko
6 1 0xffffffff8233c000 23a68 geom_mirror.ko
7 1 0xffffffff82360000 128b8 tmpfs.ko
8 1 0xffffffff82373000 b300 aesni.ko
9 1 0xffffffff82bfa000 c00f linprocfs.ko
10 4 0xffffffff82c07000 7d05 linux_common.ko
11 1 0xffffffff82c0f000 12de8c i915kms.ko
12 1 0xffffffff82d3d000 813bc drm.ko
13 3 0xffffffff82dbf000 31b06 linuxkpi.ko
14 2 0xffffffff82df1000 69aa debugfs.ko
15 2 0xffffffff82df8000 4478 libiconv.ko
16 1 0xffffffff82dfd000 1e0f libmchain.ko
17 1 0xffffffff82dff000 7ac msdosfs_iconv.ko
18 1 0xffffffff82e00000 33a99 if_bwn.ko
19 1 0xffffffff82e34000 80bb siba_bwn.ko
20 1 0xffffffff82e3d000 1fd6c if_bwi.ko
21 1 0xffffffff82e5d000 2707 runfw.ko
22 1 0xffffffff82e60000 1919e if_iwm.ko
23 1 0xffffffff82e7a000 1209d9 iwm7265fw.ko
24 1 0xffffffff82f9b000 83f0 cuse.ko
25 1 0xffffffff82fa4000 6db5 sem.ko
26 1 0xffffffff82fab000 8ee9 geom_uzip.ko
27 1 0xffffffff82fb4000 57e2 fdescfs.ko
28 1 0xffffffff82fba000 2e55b iwn4965fw.ko
29 1 0xffffffff82fe9000 52d7f iwn1000fw.ko
30 1 0xffffffff8303c000 539ee iwn5000fw.ko
31 1 0xffffffff83090000 52d0f iwn5150fw.ko
32 1 0xffffffff830e3000 6f6e6 iwn6000fw.ko
33 1 0xffffffff83153000 a5ccf iwn6000g2afw.ko
34 1 0xffffffff831f9000 a652b iwn6000g2bfw.ko
35 1 0xffffffff832a0000 73230 iwn6050fw.ko
36 1 0xffffffff83314000 372d acpi_video.ko
37 1 0xffffffff83318000 e264 fuse.ko
38 1 0xffffffff83327000 44cc ums.ko
39 1 0xffffffff8332c000 29c0 uhid.ko
40 1 0xffffffff8332f000 4fa7 ng_ubt.ko
41 5 0xffffffff83334000 bf21 netgraph.ko
42 1 0xffffffff83340000 a58f ng_hci.ko
43 3 0xffffffff8334b000 107e ng_bluetooth.ko
44 1 0xffffffff8334d000 d57d ng_l2cap.ko
45 1 0xffffffff8335b000 1b0ee ng_btsocket.ko
46 1 0xffffffff83377000 393b ng_socket.ko
47 1 0xffffffff8337b000 2343a ipfw.ko
48 1 0xffffffff8339f000 3d771 linux.ko
49 1 0xffffffff833dd000 39344 linux64.ko
50 1 0xffffffff83417000 e967 iscsi.ko
51 1 0xffffffff83426000 81e6 autofs.ko
Whilst those two examples may be viewed as cosmetic, there is – I believe – a real problem when white space is lost from some other types of code (where leading white spaces, indents, are critical). reminds me that this XenForo bug was discussed in 2014, around the time of migration of MacRumors Forums.
I vaguely recall some comment that the altering of code was intended to reduce a risk of some sort. Is that so? (@arn can you recall the conversation?) Whatever the intention, it's technically undesirable to alter code in this way.
Thanks for your consideration …