
  1. Sal Collaziano

    New'ish type of spam I'm seeing

    Something I haven't seen until recently is new members signing up and after a few normal looking posts, start replying to discussions and adding link code in the quoted part of their responses. It's also setup so that it's not visible without viewing the code. So something to consider. Not sure...
  2. Foxtrek_64

    XF 2.2 BBCode is being parsed inside of code blocks

    I'm not sure when this changed, but in the past, code blocks would disable parsing. This would allow me to provide raw bbcode as a sample. I would expect the same behavior we see with icode to be present in code blocks, but in reality what happens is icode disables parsing and code does not...
  3. 4

    Open code and additional extensions

    Before I buy the engine I should like to clarify a few things 1. Do I get access to the engines code? 2. Will I be able to code more functionality I need? 3. Where can I find the list of all extensions you have?
  4. Tony Cossio

    XF 2.2 How do I call a reaction title to display on a post?

    So I have a piece of code; What it does is lists a reaction, plus it's count. It works fine, but the raeaction title name does not show up (only the Icon). So instead of; :) x2 I want it to look like; :)smile x2 What am I missing? I presume reactionsTitle or something....
  5. Slion

    XF 2.2 403 Forbidden when ^\s+type in [CODE]

    Somehow having type in CODE prevents me from editing/saving a post saying "You don't have permission to access this resource". Possibly only triggers because of my forum permissions setup as I could not reproduce it here. What you need it just put any amount of spaces followed by type in a CODE...
  6. akok

    Fixed Leading whitespaces get auto-removed on "Edit" click

    Hi, If you click "Edit" on my post, all leading whitespaces within CODE tag will be auto-removed. Bug. Example: var log : string, StdOutput, StdError: TStringList, exitcode : integer; begin log := GetAVZDirectory +'bits.log'; end.
  7. asma

    XF 2.1 add new field to contact form

    Within the contact form .. I have name, email, subject and messages fields. Now, I have added "mobile" field to the form .. it shows correctly within the website. However, the received email doesn't include the mobile number that the user entered .. I opened the email template, but I don't know...
  8. Baby Community

    XF 2.1 Please help me !..

    I am editing my default theme. I did something. I just want. The welcome message I marked here. But instead of the blue color, the photo below appears. If you write to me as code. I know where to add the page_container in the default_child theme I created.
  9. A

    XF 2.0 Members Online Now in Footer

    I want to add members online now in footer. probably need to add something in the code xb footer, but I do not know how to do it <div class="p-footer-custom"> <div class="p-footer-inner"> <xf:if is="property('xbSocialCustomFooter') == 'above'"> <div...
  10. zoldos

    XF 1.5 help! strange graphics on forum header, don't know what I did!!

    I'm not sure what I did, but after tinkering with the navigation template (and later reverting what I did), I now get this elongated "bar" on the far left and far right of my header nav and it expands PAST the page width. It's really bugging me, and no matter I do, I can't remove it. I've...
  11. XDinc

    Unmaintained [XTR] Hide Links and Codes 1.1.0

    This add-on allows you to hide your links, codes and quated to visitors. Result; If user group has not any permissions, Like that : Unregistered / Unconfirmed Guest
  12. CMTV

    Unmaintained Code 2.2.0

    Description This addon makes code bbcode and code editor way more functional by adding copy, expand, collapse buttons, resizer bar, code line numbers and ability to highlight lines. This is an open source addon. Visit GitHub repository for source code. All my addons are free... But if you...

    [CC|T] Copy code 2.2.0 Fix 2

    Hello, Today, we end up sharing an addon that I made. This addon will allow you to add a security button to copy the code to the clipboard. Once you have copied it, you will be notified in the pop-up forum: You have several modes of appearance of the pop-up: result: Apparence: (best...
  14. rovielran

    Unmaintained Hide Code to Guest 2018-07-04

    Basic Hide Code to guest Install Guide Download Plugin Install Addon That's it
  15. Maik

    Unmaintained CopyCode 2.0.7

    This add-on will ad a button to copy code to the clipboard.
  16. Maik

    Unmaintained Line Numbers for Code 2.0.7

    This addon adds line numbers to the [CODE] Tags.
  17. CMTV

    Fixed CodeMirror PHP mode is broken in ACP

    Hi! Put the code below in any admin template (for example in addon_list): <xf:codeeditorrow mode="php" data-line-wrapping="true" class="codeEditor--autoSize" /> This code creates code editor row without any errors: But the code is not highlighting and throws an error when hitting "Enter"...
  18. BassMan

    [cXF] Hide Spoiler/Code content 1.1.0

    Description: With this add-on you can hide the content of spoiler [SPOILER] or code [CODE] BBcode with permissions by user group. Features: hide spoiler content and show text (phrased for easy edit and translate) hide code content and show text (phrased for easy edit and translate)...
  19. CMTV

    Unmaintained Additional language for [code=...] bbcode

    Since xenForo 2.0.1 release you can add additional language support on your forum. There was no way to do so before due to this bug. This method of adding additional language was proposed by @Chris D. In this example, I will be adding LaTeX support. 1. Downloading PrismJS components xenForo...
  20. CMTV

    Fixed Additional language for [code=...]

    I tried to follow an algorithm of adding custom language for bbcode proposed by @Chris D . It is not working. I tried to figure what is going wrong and here is what I found. I will use Scala language here as an example. The proposed method is working fine if we set "scala" directly in...
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