
  1. Filippo

    XF 1.5 New members with hard bounced email

    Hello, I tried searching for a while, sorry if this is already stated somewhere. When a new member registers with an invalid email, I can correctly see the the hard bounce in the logs. However, the state of his account is not changed to "Email invalid (bounced)", instead it stays on "Awaiting...
  2. grahamperrin

    Fixed Visible loss of white space from [CODE] code

    Posts such as suffer from this bug. A XenForo site administrator recently sent me a private message emphasising the importance of precision formatting when posting to The FreeBSD forums … and so on. The following examples should make clear...
  3. iseamonet

    XF 1.5 Styling Thread View Information into Buttons

    This is the code I am trying to style <xen:title>{xen:helper threadPrefix, $thread, escaped}{$thread.title}{xen:helper pagenumber, $page}</xen:title> <xen:h1>{xen:helper threadPrefix, $thread}{$thread.title}</xen:h1> <xen:description> {xen:phrase discussion_in_x_started_by_y_date_z...
  4. Dadparvar

    Xen-Pro Services and Offers

    Hi, As you may see in some of my add-ons associated thread, people asked for discounts (mostly because they had plan to purchase add-ons when they were in lower price but because of new features they became higher) And some people had some good suggestions like offering bundle. So, mostly...
  5. BassMan

    Unmaintained [cXF] Transparent Code Background 1.0.0

    Instead of this: ... have this:
  6. BassMan

    Select All Code

    BassMan submitted a new resource: Select All Code - Easily select all code for coping in code box. Read more about this resource...
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