Y Yunus88 Active member Feb 8, 2019 #1 Why does "Viewing unknown page" appear on the online members page?
P Paul B XenForo moderator Staff member Feb 8, 2019 #2 It typically denotes someone attempting to view a page which they have no permission to. Upvote 0 Downvote
Mike XenForo developer Staff member Feb 8, 2019 #4 As an admin, hover over this text. What appears in the tooltip? Upvote 0 Downvote
Mike XenForo developer Staff member Feb 8, 2019 #6 I meant hover the "viewing unknown page" text, though the error element would be relevant -- as mentioned, this generally does indicate they're viewing a page that they can't view (or is not found, etc). Upvote 0 Downvote
I meant hover the "viewing unknown page" text, though the error element would be relevant -- as mentioned, this generally does indicate they're viewing a page that they can't view (or is not found, etc).
Masetrix Well-known member Feb 11, 2019 #7 Mike said: "viewing unknown page" Click to expand... It is a good Idea to show the path of the Page not found in Tooltip, to Admins, so we can fix it. Upvote 0 Downvote
Mike said: "viewing unknown page" Click to expand... It is a good Idea to show the path of the Page not found in Tooltip, to Admins, so we can fix it.
R rogerl Active member Jul 29, 2019 #8 We have just upgraded from XF1.x to XF2.1.3 and are seeing this. Robots seem to have correct data saying what they are viewing but the majority of Guests and Members have the "Viewing unknown page" message. Tooltip says: XF\Pub\Controller\Error:ispatchError No errors are logged in the XF Server error log. Upvote 0 Downvote
We have just upgraded from XF1.x to XF2.1.3 and are seeing this. Robots seem to have correct data saying what they are viewing but the majority of Guests and Members have the "Viewing unknown page" message. Tooltip says: XF\Pub\Controller\Error:ispatchError No errors are logged in the XF Server error log.
Motobaka Active member Dec 25, 2019 #9 Masetrix said: It is a good Idea to show the path of the Page not found in Tooltip, to Admins, so we can fix it. Click to expand... This Upvote 0 Downvote
Masetrix said: It is a good Idea to show the path of the Page not found in Tooltip, to Admins, so we can fix it. Click to expand... This