Viewing Unknown Page

Liam W

in memoriam 1998-2020
I've noticed a lot of people are viewing an unknown page here.

I'm just wondering if it's the google chrome extension?

Have you added the underscores_in_headers on; directive? Of course you don't have to, but if it is the extension causing that, then setting that directive should fix it...

I'm pretty confident it's the chrome extension. It started when they switched to nginx.
I thought there was a fix on nginx for that? Pretty sure I did it over on XenAdmins when we moved it over the nginx on the VPS I was donating.

Think it was adding in the vhost def a
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'X-Requested-With';
or something similar.
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Correct. It's also in the discussion thread for the chrome extension resource here. I was just confirming that was what was causing it for Liam.
The only part that's kind of cool about this is that I can load the members online list and see how many people are using my extension ;)
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