Verified Badge [Paid] [Deleted]

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This add-on is reassigned to me few minutes ago.

I'll replace it will a brand new version of mine as may share it freely. Anyone using it can now remove it and also its core which is not working at all with current version of xf.

Those who newly received it (if any) also don't install it as its core is out dated and may cause a few problems for your xf and you may not be able to unistall it from acp.

Soon I'll replace it with something else which has less files (and no need to core, as all my other add-ons) and more features.
Can I have a refund then since it won't work?

Not use Dadparvar obviously not your fault.
Not needed to ask for refund. It was working fine as it was also installed on my main site too.

But since tomorrow or so you can install my addon and enjoy using it and even more feature, without paying :)

Younes deleted this resource to let me share new addon and its not good to ask hin for refund, where he was kind enough about this.

Im busy today but in less than 24 hours I guess I'll add it to xen-pro and here. After that this thread will be closed.
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