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vBSEO Likes Importer 1.0.1

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Works perfect! vB users, don't fill in vbseo_likes but archived_import_log

What if I didn't choose to save the archived_import_log table after I completed the import?

It there any way I can transfer all the likes without having to re-import?
What if I didn't choose to save the archived_import_log table after I completed the import?

It there any way I can transfer all the likes without having to re-import?
Since there isn't information about what post from vBulletin correspond to XenForo, it's not possible to do it without the import table.
Since there isn't information about what post from vBulletin correspond to XenForo, it's not possible to do it without the import table.

Fortunately I made a test forum a couple of days before switching the real forum, and in that one I did save the import logs. So I just imported the table to my current forum database and since id's were the same it worked.

Thanks for the add-on, it worked perfectly!
I'm a bit confused. I just imported vB 4.2 with vBSEO into XF and saved the import log.
I have vBSEO Likes Importer installed and then the instructions say "4. Go to Tools > Import External Data > vBSEO Likes and run the importer! "
But there is no mention of "vBSEO Likes" on the page after clicking 'Import External Data'.

I tried re-installing the add-on. What am I missing?
I've tried to import vbseo likes from VB4.2 to Xenforo. I entered all the fields with correct information for the import & everything seemed to work fine but end result is this


Did I do something wrong?.
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