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vB4 Importer 3.6b2

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Sorry. it didn't work right. It's just the IMG tag in the [] tags. [ IMG ]

Only the image comments on vb4 profiles do it.
Sorry. it didn't work right. It's just the IMG tag in the [] tags. [ IMG ]

Only the image comments on vb4 profiles do it.

XenForo doesn't allow IMG tags in profile posts. Only hyperlinks. Any imported IMG tags will not render in profile posts.
Is there anyway to import users who have the same email address?
We're wanting to convert a 10+ year old Vbulletin forum, which is for gaming, so a lot of people have seperate role playing identities
Is there anyway to import users who have the same email address?
We're wanting to convert a 10+ year old Vbulletin forum, which is for gaming, so a lot of people have seperate role playing identities
YES. The importer was designed for such issues.

You'll have the option to merge users, rename them, or change their e-mail address.
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