XF 2.1 vb 4.2.5 to xf 2.0.12 fatal error


I got the error "HTTP ERROR 500" during the import process im not sure what currently steps I got the issue. Even I restart the import process still got the error 500

I checked the server logs and it says "Fatal Error: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Unsupported marker type 0xfb".
Unfortunately, this is essentially impossible for us to handle, because it's a fatal error in PHP. We can't know that the image will fail until we try to act on it, and then PHP just stops.

I think the three main workarounds would be:
  1. Upgrading PHP. I believe recent versions have made changes here to try to remove these fatal errors, which means we can handle it.
  2. Switch XF to use Imagemagick for the "Default image processor" option. This will handle issues like this differently.
  3. Remove the failing image from the source data (assuming it's a file). The main difficulty here is identifying which is the failing image specifically unfortunately.
Beyond that, there isn't really much we can do in code to help prevent this.
Hi @Mike,

Thanks for you reply.

I manage to fixed the issue. It was due to a .gif file.. When I open this file its actually just fine and the image is viewable however when I open it on photoshop it can't be open. I just replaced a dummy image and the import script continue just fine. I attach the file here to see if it helpful incase for debugging purposes. Also not sure when i upload it here it automatically converted to .jpg



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