Using the "Sign Up Now!" Button in a Notice


Active member
How do I put the "Sign Up Now!" Button into a notice (as well as keep it in the visitor side bar


I simply copied and pasted the code from the sidebar template but it was all messed up in the notice it showed everything in the link tag as the text on the button
Notices don't have access to the same template functions and container params. Use this code in your notice:

<label for="LoginControl" id="SignupButton"><a href="index.php?login" class="inner">Sign Up Now!</a></label>

The link and language is hard-coded.
I have just tried this, but I am having an issue with the width of the "Sign Up Now"-button.
The button has the width of nearly the notice.

What is the best way of decreasing the width of the button in the notice ?

Many thanks!
one more question please:

is there actually a difference where I put the "slash" for the link (before the word "login" or after the word "login" or both) ?

<label for="LoginControl" id="SignupButton" style="display: block; width: 170px;"><a href="login/" class="inner">Sign Up Now!</a></label>

<label for="LoginControl" id="SignupButton" style="display: block; width: 170px;"><a href="/login" class="inner">Sign Up Now!</a></label>

<label for="LoginControl" id="SignupButton" style="display: block; width: 170px;"><a href="/login/" class="inner">Sign Up Now!</a></label>

I am asking because at some other code (for linkling to the Register-page) I do have the "slash" at the beginning (in front of the word "register"), for example like this:

<a href="/register">Sign up to become a Member</a>

So I am wondering where I should put the "slash" for the Link ?

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