XF 1.4 Using Font awesome in usergroup styling?


I was wondering if there was any way to use font awesome icons when doing, i.e. putting an icon infront of the names of the various usergroups, i know i can do it with images and such but I was hoping there was a way to do it per group.
I was wondering if there was any way to use font awesome icons when doing, i.e. putting an icon infront of the names of the various usergroups, i know i can do it with images and such but I was hoping there was a way to do it per group.
.style3:before {
    color: #ff0000;
    content: "\f132";
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    padding-right: 2px;
Yeah i figgured out it was ngx_pagespeed caching stuff and making it weird i got it working. Next on my list is trying to make it show me Gender: Fa-Icon, which could end up being... interesting.
Yeah i figgured out it was ngx_pagespeed caching stuff and making it weird i got it working. Next on my list is trying to make it show me Gender: Fa-Icon, which could end up being... interesting.
message_user_info template, find:
<xen:if is="@messageShowGender AND {$user.gender}">
                    <dl class="pairsJustified">
                        <dt>{xen:phrase gender}:</dt>
                        <dd itemprop="gender"><xen:if is="{$user.gender} == 'male'">{xen:phrase male}<xen:else />{xen:phrase female}</xen:if></dd>

Replace with:
<xen:if is="@messageShowGender AND {$user.gender}">
                    <dl class="pairsJustified">
                        <dt>{xen:phrase gender}:</dt>
                        <dd itemprop="gender"><xen:if is="{$user.gender} == 'male'"><i class="fa fa-mars"></i><xen:else /><i class="fa fa-venus"></i></xen:if></dd>


Obviously choose the fa male/female icons of your choice
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