we migrated from vBulletin to xF recently and noticed there is an issue with the paid subscriptions. They worked fine with VB.
We have IPN enabled and the callback function set accordingly in the settings.
Screenshot below shows the old URL but this is changed properly to the xF requirement.
Attached also a screenshot from the IPN history. Not sure why it says "retrying"?
Looked into the message ID and I don't see any issues there but I am not that familiar with it what it should say.
In xF the transaction log shows nothing.
This is the content from the message
Any help greatly appreciated

We have IPN enabled and the callback function set accordingly in the settings.
Screenshot below shows the old URL but this is changed properly to the xF requirement.
Attached also a screenshot from the IPN history. Not sure why it says "retrying"?
Looked into the message ID and I don't see any issues there but I am not that familiar with it what it should say.
In xF the transaction log shows nothing.
This is the content from the message
. transaction_subject=&payment_date=05:49:08 Jun 15, 2017 PDT&txn_type=web_accept&last_name=Payne&residence_country=US&item_name=Account Upgrade: Test subscription (zak.payne)&payment_gross=1.00&mc_currency=USD&,5,token,2925,1497530911,0b2e68a41716f6946d0fce7c69b801e715a030de&charset=windows-1252¬ify_version=3.8&ipn_track_id=9a3354ca1c4b8
Any help greatly appreciated