XF 1.3 User group upgrade not working properly


Hi all,

I launched my company forum yesterday and started receiving payments today BUT, all users who upgraded did not get placed into the correct usergroup, infact they stayed as registered instead of having their accounts upgraded, all payments have been received no issues the only issue is they have not been placed into the usergroup they purchased...

any ideas?

Thank you
The permissions can't be fine if they still can't view what they are supposed to as that can only be a permissions issue.

For a user who has the primary group as Registered and is in one of these secondary groups, use the permission analyser (ACP > Users > Analyze Permissions) to check their permissions. If it's a particular node that they cannot see, then analyse the permissions for that use for that node. Make sure you expand the View Node results so we can see them in detail.
ok so do i need to set separate permissions to the primary and secondary usergroup?

the reason i ask is because, when i set the users to the upgrade usergroup via primary they can view the content, for example

primary - course 1 secondary - course 1 ( they can view course 1 )

primary - registered secondary - course 1 ( they can only see registered content )
well the reason being is i dont fully understand what im doing, i checked the analyze tool and shown this:

View node
Global Permission Values
Energy Awakening:Allow
Content Permission Values
Main Category - Content-Wide:Revoke
Main Category - Energy Awakening:Allow
Main Category - Registered:Allow
Energy Awakening - Content-Wide:Revoke
Energy Awakening - Energy Awakening:Allow
Energy Awakening - Registered:Never
Final Value (Content):No
There you go. You have a Never permission set for Registered. Never cannot be overridden. Never use Never! (Well, almost never).

You should be using Not Set (No) rather than Never.
arrrrrhhhhhhhhh node permissions! revoke not never, revoke i now have the correct settings so that primary registered can see registered content and now secondary can be seen because of the revoke setting
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