XF 2.1 User Group Promotion Alerts



Sorry if i have missed a simple setting or obvious addon but is there a way to get a notification (forum alert or email) when someone is promoted?

I would like to specify to alert me when someone is promoted.

The closest one would be this.

The closest one would be this.

I did see that and actually have already bought access to Andys addons but unfortunately it doesn't alert me, just the user that gets promoted.

This might help if I set this up and allow replies and if someone did then I would know about it or I could possibly check my Sent items.

I have been manually checking the user change log, its a shame there isn't an addon that reads the user change log and let's you set custom rules to alert on.

Thank you.
If this add-on knows about a new promotion, it should be an easy task to replace "add a new conversation" to "add an alarm".
The next task could be to add an alarm also, when a promotion ends.
The add-on of Andy is a cron-job fetching
        $results = $db->fetchAll("
        SELECT xf_user_group_promotion_log.user_id,
        FROM xf_user_group_promotion_log
        INNER JOIN xf_user_group_promotion ON xf_user_group_promotion.promotion_id = xf_user_group_promotion_log.promotion_id
        WHERE xf_user_group_promotion_log.promotion_date >= ?
        AND xf_user_group_promotion_log.promotion_date <= ?
        ORDER BY xf_user_group_promotion_log.user_id ASC
        ", array($datelineStart, $datelineEnd));

I guess that it would be better (for my needs) to extend the class that does the promotion in both directions.
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