Not a bug UPPERCASE file extensions rewritten as lowercase...


Active member
Affected version
We have some images stored on a CDN that are UPPERCASE extensions, for example .JPG.

XF2 is writing these as lowercase, and the files are not found.


This image extension is supposed to be UPPERCASE. Click it once to see the 404 error, then change the extensions case to see the actual image.

Urgently need a way to stop XF2 messing with this.
Those URLs aren't in a format that XF generates for attachments. I suspect you have an add-on involved here.

When we save attachments, the original filename (in the original letter case) is saved as is.
When we save attachments, the original filename (in the original letter case) is saved as is.

That's exactly the point. Some have a lower case extension, some have an uppercase extension. Yes we use @xfrocks CDN uploader thing, that changes the filename not the extension or case of the extension.

Since XF2, none of the UPPERCASE extensions work anymore, because XF2 changes the link to lowercase.
Yeah but the CDN uploader must be generating those links. The links we'd generate are attachments/some-string-filename-jpg.1234. Have you reported the issue to the add-on author because obviously we have no involvement in what's uploaded to the CDN, what returns the correct link to the file on the CDN etc. so there's really no way we could be re-writing those URLs.
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