Not a bug Upload multiple files


Well-known member
In the iPhone when uploading files you currently can only upload one file at a time. Quite a slow process when you want to upload multiple files.

I've seen on other sites when you go to upload files on your iPhone that you can select multiple files (you tick each one and then press done).

Is this as designed for a reason or is this a bug. I'm hoping it can be fixed/changed.
If you turn off the Flash uploader (which iOS doesn't support obviously), you can only upload one file at a time. That's how the system was designed, so there's nothing out of the ordinary here. Improvable yes, but not a bug.
If you turn off the Flash uploader (which iOS doesn't support obviously), you can only upload one file at a time. That's how the system was designed, so there's nothing out of the ordinary here. Improvable yes, but not a bug.

I posted it in the suggestion forum, or is this improvement on your list already?
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