XF 2.1 Upgraded and forum grenaded! 2.0 to 2.1.4


Soo, I have upgraded every time successfully... However this time was a disaster.

Every thing went fine during the Xenforo upgrade, no errors. I upgraded the UI.X, aslo the theme, and no errors. However the forum looks exploded, and I am throwing this error. I though it might be PHP, but its at 7.0, tried to push 7.1 and no difference.

Forum address is www.vetterowners.com and here is a screenshot of the error. Any direction would be grand! Thanks

How do I implement the default style? I tried turning off all the drift stuff and no change. Yes I did upgrade the Theme and UI.X to the newest releases, as well as other add-ons.

The problem style is Vetter Owners, I see Drift and Default work just fine.
Check for any outdated templates, you'll see a notice on the admin homepage if you have some.
Interesting, I found where to switch the style. Those are all the default un-modified ones. I was using the one I customized and like you say "Vetter Owners". I don't know what that one is broke. I checked and yes there are outdated templates, but I have no idea what to do with them.
Ok, cool. I backed up those two. When I click Merge, it shows a bunch on code. The Merge button at the bottom is not clickable. But I do see this in the code. Lots and lots of this.merge.webp
Well shoot, thank you for all your help. Everything is updated and its still broke. I am gonna gave to find a pro to put my broken pieces back together. Ack. I wish this would have gone better.
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