Update on XenForo development status?

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^ such nonsense.

I've shown nothing but support for Kier and Mike, and now that it's May and we had more than a few handful of threads about what's going on with the company, the developers and their products/services, we have yet to hear.

Floren has asked a valid question, and yet again we hear nothing from the developers. I am ok with that, it's their company and I have no problem waiting. I just can't speak for everybody else. And based on the amount of bad talk they're getting within all these threads it's clear others don't share that patience. And that's not going to end well if nothing happens.

Floren, as mentioned, respected in the world of communities, feels simply uncomfortable recommending this company now because of it. Those are more than few potential customers that XenForo might miss out on.

When I closed my community you have to remember a few things, a) I informed people of the change, and b) I didn't disappear for months beforehand, I was there doing what needed to be done until the last week. And c) it was a hobby web site, not a company web site.

We're simply at a point here now where YET another thread gets no response, not even an unofficial one. And while that's fine by me, many won't take that. And it's going to reflect poorly on how things are handled by this company, ON the company. And customers will not end up being big talkers anymore and actually start voting with their wallet.

And yes, while having some free time in a day once or twice, Reddit among many sites are great communities sometimes to waste time on.
You just insulted an army of people, bright star. Great job.... and don't you have something to do like spending time outside or working on your forums?

Yea, I'm really worried about that. While all you jerk off about whether Kier is going to entertain 10 pages worth of the same question over and over again while he imports a 7.5 million post forum with a family and other concerns that he has already stated, I will be working on my forums and coming on xenForo to research add-ons and other concerns I have with configuring the forum software while I import 7 more forums from vBulletin to xenForo.

Keep up the productiveness Floren.
^ such nonsense.

I've shown nothing but support for Kier and Mike, and now that it's May and we had more than a few handful of threads about what's going on with the company, the developers and their products/services, we have yet to hear.

Floren has asked a valid question, and yet again we hear nothing from the developers. I am ok with that, it's their company and I have no problem waiting. I just can't speak for everybody else. And based on the amount of bad talk they're getting within all these threads it's clear others don't share that patience. And that's not going to end well if nothing happens.

Floren, as mentioned, respected in the world of communities, feels simply uncomfortable recommending this company now because of it. Those are more than few potential customers that XenForo might miss out on.

When I closed my community you have to remember a few things, a) I informed people of the change, and b) I didn't disappear for months beforehand, I was there doing what needed to be done until the last week. And c) it was a hobby web site, not a company web site.

We're simply at a point here now where YET another thread gets no response, not even an unofficial one. And while that's fine by me, many won't take that. And it's going to reflect poorly on how things are handled by this company, ON the company. And customers will not end up being big talkers anymore and actually start voting with their wallet.

And yes, while having some free time in a day once or twice, Reddit among many sites are great communities sometimes to waste time on.

Kier has made his thread and said what he needed to say. He is in the process of importing a 7.5 million post to xenForo right now. You are being a *****. Especially considering that whatever you may claim, you disappeared long enough and were respected enough within the community that countless people wondered what you were doing.

So maybe next time work on your informing a bit more and in the mean time show some respect to someone who has shown up and responded to concerns about lack of participation.

I've said my piece. You can whine like you are now when at the end of the second quarter no progress has been made on 1.2. No timeline was guaranteed nor an exact roadmap. You have a general time frame, now all you are doing is nitpicking and.. being a *****.
Thanks for your personal attack and name calling, clearly you're not reading my posts. Nor are you respecting the forum rules for those who you pretend to be respectful of (referring to those who actually run and own this site)

Such a shame that narrow minded people like you judge a person for closing a hobby web site (as if I am the first that closes a site due to personal reasons, etc rolleyes). Not knowing or realizing who I talk to, who I still help daily with XenForo, or who I create and share add-ons with, give support to who ask for it, etc. But sure, go ahead, be narrow minded. I think it's clear to all of us here after your recent posts how much they can respect you.

I only post to those who start yet another thread that we already have a thread, and I share my opinion that I think the mods could have prevented this all by closing them and linking to the original thread for the information.

I also already mentioned I personally have no problem with Kier dealing with his personal issues, I also posted once I can completely understand why he wouldn't even bother responding anymore based on how people are posting in these threads.

But I do agree that it's a simple question and now months after the first thread it's going to get worse if nothing changes here and it could backfire to them if they don't handle it well. If that's all whining, your conversations with your friends are really short, aren't they?

I think we have all stated as well that we don't care if there's going to be a .zip file yes/no at a certain date. It's simply a question of 'customers notice the hourly conversations with developers have gone from 110% participation to 0% and all the activity we see if that customer questions are ignored (so it seems) and that Kier's working on converting his personal site. That's reason for concern for those who are investing in this company, their own company, and the customers they are referring, etc. A concern for current customers, no matter which side of the fence you stand.

Doesn't mean you have to call us all those asterixes and shout as hard as everybody has in this thread. Especially when you're so blatantly stupid about it.
Thanks for your personal attack and name calling, clearly you're not reading my posts. Nor are you respecting the forum rules for those who you pretend to be respectful of (referring to those who actually run and own this site)

Such a shame that narrow minded people like you judge a person for closing a hobby web site (as if I am the first that closes a site due to personal reasons, etc rolleyes). Not knowing or realizing who I talk to, who I still help daily with XenForo, or who I create and share add-ons with, give support to who ask for it, etc. But sure, go ahead, be narrow minded. I think it's clear to all of us here after your recent posts how much they can respect you.

I only post to those who start yet another thread that we already have a thread, and I share my opinion that I think the mods could have prevented this all by closing them and linking to the original thread for the information.

I also already mentioned I personally have no problem with Kier dealing with his personal issues, I also posted once I can completely understand why he wouldn't even bother responding anymore based on how people are posting in these threads.

But I do agree that it's a simple question and now months after the first thread it's going to get worse if nothing changes here and it could backfire to them if they don't handle it well. If that's all whining, your conversations with your friends are really short, aren't they?

I think we have all stated as well that we don't care if there's going to be a .zip file yes/no at a certain date. It's simply a question of 'customers notice the hourly conversations with developers have gone from 110% participation to 0% and all the activity we see if that customer questions are ignored (so it seems) and that Kier's working on converting his personal site. That's reason for concern for those who are investing in this company, their own company, and the customers they are referring, etc. A concern for current customers, no matter which side of the fence you stand.

Doesn't mean you have to call us all those asterixes and shout as hard as everybody has in this thread. Especially when you're so blatantly stupid about it.

Oh cry me a river. This thread ran its course way before your ******** attempt at trashing xenForo customer service. You yourself have had issues that have annoyed people or called concern and you should be more respectful for his current situation to the point where YOU STOP POSTING IN THIS THREAD.

I don't give a **** what you all think about me. I'm a customer. You and Floren have some kind of heavily invested emotional state into xenForo now it seems. It was that way before with vBulletin. We know Floren charges a **** ton of money for his search platform for vBulletin. Now he has to compete with Elastic Search on xenForo. That has to suck. I'm just giving you my unfiltered opinion as a paying customer and could really care less what you all think about me. I'm just tired of reading two of what are suppose to be the most respective people within the vBulletin and now xenForo community whine and whine and whine in a thread about **** that isn't going to change at this point.

Why are you still posting your **** at this point? What is your pokes at xenForo in this thread accomplishing? Just filling this **** up with more round robin ********
okay....awkward moment. please; let's all play nice, and just walk away from this thread.

Just remember:

You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
"you disappeared long enough and were respected enough within the community that countless people wondered what you were doing."

I mentioned to everybody that asked that I wasn't able to do anything XenForo due to personal reasons. I did answer and did contact almost everybody in private. I can't help it that because it's personal I rather prefer to not go into it, especially since they're not my offline friends, etc.

For all you know like Floren and Ragtek who disappeared for a bit, I was in the hospital - maybe breathing through a straw. Whatever the reason, it's private and nobody their business, obviously. Oh my gawd, how dare I do that and not ignore the pain so I can say hi on an online community for my hobby web site to those who can't respect that the answer is "personal reasons". The same happens with Kier, and it results in all these threads. Pointing out it has been asked and answered before, is apparently a federal crime or something. As much as you that you have the right to post your opinion and be judgementful to anybody in this thread, as much of a right Floren and others have to post the thread, and as much of a right me and others have to point out we've gone through this before. All I added in this conversation was that I think this company could have handled it better, and that I hope they are going to handle it from this point on. Otherwise it might all just backfire.

Judge me for something you don't know anything about. What a person you are, so wonderful, super productive, and an example for all. Not jumping to any assumptions and conclusions at all, while swearing at me, calling me names and comparing a few imports that you're doing vs Floren's company or what we've done with XenFans, etc.
Oh cry me a river. This thread ran its course way before your bull**** attempt at trashing xenForo customer service. You yourself have had issues that have annoyed people or called concern and you should be more respectful for his current situation to the point where YOU STOP POSTING IN THIS THREAD.

I don't give a **** what you all think about me. I'm a customer. You and Floren have some kind of heavily invested emotional state into xenForo now it seems. It was that way before with vBulletin. We know Floren charges a **** ton of money for his search platform for vBulletin. Now he has to compete with Elastic Search on xenForo. That has to suck. I'm just giving you my unfiltered opinion as a paying customer and could really care less what you all think about me. I'm just tired of reading two of what are suppose to be the most respective people within the vBulletin and now xenForo community whine and whine and whine in a thread about **** that isn't going to change at this point.

Why are you still posting your **** at this point? What is your pokes at xenForo in this thread accomplishing? Just filling this **** up with more round robin bull****

Yet, it hasn't been closed by the moderators, and yet you're thankfully not one of them. I think the majority in this thread agrees that these discussions should simply be closed when they get started. This community as you have proven yet again, can simply not be mature administrators having a realistic discussion.
Yet, it hasn't been closed by the moderators, and yet you're thankfully not one of them. I think the majority in this thread agrees that these discussions should simply be closed when they get started. This community as you have proven yet again, can simply not be mature administrators having a realistic discussion.
I don't agree with that. The fact that this thread is still open, regardless of the immense immaturity shown by some users proves that we deal with intelligent people who can see the difference between right and wrong OR intentional or unintentional. Also, I don't understand why you posted a half of roman explaining yourself to some guy who insulted everyone, you wasted all this energy for what? A single line would of sufficed, while ignoring the rest of similar replies. At least that's what I do.

Please, let's get back on topic.
I think it would be great to get an update on development. I have been and remain very excited about the power and utility of XF. It is simply great. I would like to know more about what is planned. I think this is probably true of anyone who uses or is interested in using this software.

My approach to most things where I would like some action or response is to focus on how (if possible) to get that action or response. I think asking for an update is fine and in keeping with that idea.

Everything else, including personal attacks, side tracked conversations about who did what, said what, said something the wrong way, claimed something (or didn't), is frankly useless.

I hope all is well personally with KAM. I also have faith that XF will continue as a great forum software. I am waiting for anyone or any event to prove that wrong.
"you disappeared long enough and were respected enough within the community that countless people wondered what you were doing."

I mentioned to everybody that asked that I wasn't able to do anything XenForo due to personal reasons. I did answer and did contact almost everybody in private. I can't help it that because it's personal I rather prefer to not go into it, especially since they're not my offline friends, etc.

For all you know like Floren and Ragtek who disappeared for a bit, I was in the hospital - maybe breathing through a straw. Whatever the reason, it's private and nobody their business, obviously. Oh my gawd, how dare I do that and not ignore the pain so I can say hi on an online community for my hobby web site to those who can't respect that the answer is "personal reasons". The same happens with Kier, and it results in all these threads. Pointing out it has been asked and answered before, is apparently a federal crime or something. As much as you that you have the right to post your opinion and be judgementful to anybody in this thread, as much of a right Floren and others have to post the thread, and as much of a right me and others have to point out we've gone through this before. All I added in this conversation was that I think this company could have handled it better, and that I hope they are going to handle it from this point on. Otherwise it might all just backfire.

Judge me for something you don't know anything about. What a person you are, so wonderful, super productive, and an example for all. Not jumping to any assumptions and conclusions at all, while swearing at me, calling me names and comparing a few imports that you're doing vs Floren's company or what we've done with XenFans, etc.

Stop whining in this thread about **** and making stupid internet comments about how xenforo is going to have a bad time if they don't support customers. You can talk **** about me not being productive with my comments all you want but you aren't either. Like I said, I've done this over and over and over time and time again. You want to hold me to a higher standard of posting while you make one liner stupid meme comments on a topic that you claim to care about about a person that you claim to care about.

So look in the ****ing mirror.
^ lol, yeah swear at me a bit more for injecting a bit of humour in a thread filled with posts like yours.
Another wrong assumption, you still seem to think I care about this thread. I already said I have no problem waiting for this company to get their stuff together and get back on track. But go ahead, spend more of your time making this about me and use some more strong language. I have to wait for this phpBB board convert to complete anyway, I got time to kill and you're quite amusing - in a sad way.
^ lol, yeah swear at me a bit more for injecting a bit of humour in a thread filled with posts like yours.
Another wrong assumption, you still seem to think I care about this thread. I already said I have no problem waiting for this company to get their stuff together and get back on track. But go ahead, spend more of your time making this about me and use some more strong language. I have to wait for this phpBB board convert to complete anyway, I got time to kill and you're quite amusing - in a sad way.

Stop being such a cry baby about asterisks in a post and start realizing that you aren't contributing a single productive thing to this thread either.

Go to Reddit if you want to talk about **** having a bad time.
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