XF 2.2 Unfurl not working for CBC


Well-known member
I run a predominantly Canadian board so we tend to post links to news stories on the CBC, Canada's government-owned national TV and Radio network, quite a bit. And they don't unfurl at all, not even to replace the URL with the headline as some sites do. Since I have not seen this with any other news sites, I assume it is something they are doing. It affects both mobile and desktop so I don't think it is related to their use of AMP on mobile. Does anyone have any thoughts on what is happening and if I can do anything about it? Or is this really on CBC's side and I just need to live with it. A story I posted on my site this morning is below.

It's an issue with that site - as you can see, it also didn't unfurl here.

You can use the tester in the ACP to check URLs.

I'm having this problem with a variety of sites: CNN, Washington Post, Politico, MMA Fighting. Is there a fix? I tested a Politico link here and it unfurled just fine.
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