XF 1.4 Undelete permanently deleted thread?


Stupid question but I'm asking anyway... is there anyway to do this?

When deleting a load of spam posts I accidentally clicked sort by thread title before selecting all threads and permanently deleting ... :oops: and I've deleted some things I didnt want to delete...
I'm not a fan of soft-deleting. Threads that have been soft-deleted are an eyesore and a distraction while you are trying to manage the forum. If you've just deleted 20 Viagra/Cialis threads sprinkled throughout the site, it's just not good to continue to look at them after you've deleted them. For forums that have split admin and moderator functions, maybe that's useful. For people who moderate their own forums, not so much.

As for the second solution, it seems to be an overkill to create a private forum just for the purpose of undeleting threads, which you only have to once in a blue moon. Besides, that's not a very neat solution, because you would have to figure out which sub-forum the thread originally came from (not a slam dunk issue for forums with lots and lots of sub-forums).

It just seems easier to give admins an option to "trash" threads instead of permanently deleting them. That's a very easy metaphor to absorb for people who use modern operating systems, where everything can be recycled/trashed.
As regards the special forum solution, if the bigger issue is with spam (you mention e.g. Viagra/Cialis) then you can
a) configure the spam killer to move threads posted by the spammer to a dedicated forum, out of sight AND
b) use the killer's Undo feature (Admin CP) to reverse this action (and thus place any such content right back where it came from) without needing any visible indication of the thread's original location.

Which leaves non-spam deletions, which should be soft-deleted and left in place and are presumably far fewer in number. And they are, of course, only an eyesore to those with permission to view their placeholders.

At AVForums, we do exactly this. Move true spam to a private forum, and soft-delete more routine deletions. It's really a non-issue, IMO.
^ Which is exactly what we do here (and on my own site).

I can't say I've ever found it an issue being able to see soft deleted threads and posts in situ.
If anything, it's useful to be reminded of the behaviour and actions of certain members, which is typically what results in said content being deleted.
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