Cannot reproduce Undeletable character in the editor

Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
I can't reproduce this all the time, but when I do I've usually tried to copy and paste a link from the Chrome address bar (Windows mostly).

What happened first was I copied the URL - or I thought I had - from the address bar and I pasted it and for reasons I don't understand - perhaps a bug in Chrome - it hadn't captured the highlighted text in the address bar. So when I pasted nothing happened. And then I tried pasting several more times. As mashing the keyboard didn't help I went back into the other tab and copied the address. This time the paste worked. I noticed, however, there was a space before the link and the caret was at the start of the line. I tried to delete that space and it wouldn't budge. So I inspected the editor contents and this is what I have:


​ seems to be this character:

I don't know why the clipboard captured that rather than the highlighted content.

When that character is in the editor I can remove it by placing the caret after it and backspacing.
The zero width space is something we insert with the pasting process. It should generally be pasted over implicitly. They're zero width though, so the space you're seeing is the nbsp. I'm not sure why you couldn't delete that though.

That said, I haven't been able to reproduce this and the content that surrounds this may be significant -- and where your cursor is. Anyway you can give more specifics?
I think this could be chalked up as a Browser Issue. It has happened again, I have copied the URL from an address bar on another tab, and each time I paste, nothing appears in the editor:

I will copy/paste the HTML from the editor in a moment. It's worth noting that right now I can delete the character, and this time it is doing them twice for each paste instead of once.

<p>I think this could be chalked up as a Browser Issue. It has happened again, I have copied the URL from an address bar on another tab, and each time I paste, nothing appears in the editor:</p><p><br></p><p>&#8203;&#8203;<br></p><p><br></p><p>I will copy/paste the HTML from the editor in a moment. It's worth noting that right now I can delete the character, and this time it is doing them twice for each paste instead of once.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
I don’t know if this is the same problem, but if I copy and paste this text:
Tre bomber skördade minst 40 människoliv i den kurdiska staden Qara Tapah i Irak på söndagen.

Terroristgruppen Islamiska staten, IS, har tagit på sig attackerna.

– Till slut är det bara irakierna själva som måste ta tillbaka Irak, säger USA:s utrikesminister John Kerry.


on my forum. I cant use the backspace to delete it, moving cursor and using delete button works.
Here it works as it should, so probably something with my style or addon, leave it here if it might help in any way.
Using Firefox, xf1.3.5
Sorry I tested one more time and the problem happens here to. If I paste all the bold text the cursor is placed two rows down from the text and if I without moving the cursor try backspace it wont work.
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