XF 2.2 Unable to download Xenforo.com addons?


Well-known member
I was successively downloading many addons from @Xon on this forum and the first few downloaded fine but then the rest of the addons won't download or are stuck now?


they're stuck now

i.e. for https://xenforo.com/community/resources/warning-improvements-by-xon.6240/download

has cf-ray: 6f55008af963f277-BNE if you want to check on your end

Using Opera browser 85.0.4341.28 (Chrome/99.0.4844.84) on Windows 10 Pro

Never mind seems the problem was on my end, Opera browser had an update and seems that required a restart and stopped downloads from happening!
It is honestly depressing at how many browser bugs go away after force restarting the browser.

Yeah though granted it's first time I have ran into this. Clicking the download button didn't do anything - no pop prompt to save the download. After I restarted the browser, went to check the download queue page - it had like 10+ cancel/stuck downloads for the same Xenforo addon hehe.

Post update Opera is now 85.0.4341.47 (Chrome/99.0.4844.84 )
My Chrome updated to 100.0.something today. And I just sighed. There is no excitement in updates anymore, just a vague sense of unease (or dread with some software).
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