UI.X Dark

UI.X Dark

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I just purchased this theme in addition to regular UI.X - I get the following after entering in my install URL on your site and trying to install through my admin page:

The provided file was not a valid XML file. Please provide a valid XML file.
Someone else reported this we are still looking into it :(. Will let you know what we find.
I just purchased this theme in addition to regular UI.X - I get the following after entering in my install URL on your site and trying to install through my admin page:

The provided file was not a valid XML file. Please provide a valid XML file.

Any chance you could PM me with admin credentials, and possibly FTP details? I'm not able to reproduce this on my development environment at all.

It seems the file style-UI.X-Dark.xml is corrupt, full of "NUL" symbols when I look at it in notepad++.

That is odd. When I view it in Notepad++ I'm able to see it fine, it's also installing correctly on all of my test boards. I've repackaged it with a new export of the XML so please retry it and let me know if it works :)
With this option set, the HTML in my footer does not render and just shows the code:



I also have UI.X installed and it's not a problem on that version.
Hi there everybody. I have some stupid questions that surely have been made before, but if you do not get angry i'd like to remove some doubts before buying.
1) what is the difference between flex and not flex version of UI.X (light and dark) ?
2) included in the ui.x dark there's also the light one (ui.x) and the dark must be installed as a child of light one?
3) if the previous question is true, actually i get ui.x and ui.x dark buying just one?
Hi there everybody. I have some stupid questions that surely have been made before, but if you do not get angry i'd like to remove some doubts before buying.

Of course! Ask any questions, there is absolutely no judging, we're happy to help with whatever we can.

1) what is the difference between flex and not flex version of UI.X (light and dark) ?

Flex is actually a different product to UI.X. So there is UI.Flex (light and dark) and UI.X (light and dark), essentially four different products you can choose to try out. Really they are just different themes, but they are all built on the same foundation, same framework, so they support most of the same features.

2) included in the ui.x dark there's also the light one (ui.x) and the dark must be installed as a child of light one?

This is optional. In the package you can choose to install a 'compiled' version of the theme or an 'inherited' version. The difference only matters if you plan to have both a light and dark theme up on the same forum.

3) if the previous question is true, actually i get ui.x and ui.x dark buying just one?

Currently they are sold all separately :)
Thank you for the answer, i think i'll go into buying the dark ui. I'll buy from audentio.com , it is the same?
ehm .. sorry, i subscribed for the stupid questions magazine... just bought. lol
i'll install also the plugin, it is required for the style to work correctly? thanks
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I love this theme but I have a pretty big problem with this part of your policy:


so... you get to decide what i put on my personal website because i'm using your theme? i run a pretty open forum and i'm sure while there's nothing "officially" pornographic, or satanic, i'm sure some christians might look around there and find *something* they can interpret that way, which sounds like censorship to me.
I love this theme but I have a pretty big problem with this part of your policy:

so... you get to decide what i put on my personal website because i'm using your theme? i run a pretty open forum and i'm sure while there's nothing "officially" pornographic, or satanic, i'm sure some christians might look around there and find *something* they can interpret that way, which sounds like censorship to me.
Yep, so I really don't care what you put on the site. If its hardcore content or deemed shady or illegal by our company, we reserve the right not to support such sites.

Our company is not a christian company, but we find many similar values very important, such as "do good" to be one of importance. If the site promotes nothing but hate, racism, general scumbag-ness etc. do not buy any of our products. Thats all that means.

Also, your line saying:
so... you get to decide what i put on my personal website because i'm using your theme?
I would never claim that and have never said anything remotely like that.

In any case we've been wanting to update our terms for some time now. We will do so asap :)
Yep, so I really don't care what you put on the site. If its hardcore content or deemed shady or illegal by our company, we reserve the right not to support such sites.

Our company is not a christian company, but we find many similar values very important, such as "do good" to be one of importance. If the site promotes nothing but hate, racism, general scumbag-ness etc. do not buy any of our products. Thats all that means.

Also, your line saying:

I would never claim that and have never said anything remotely like that.

In any case we've been wanting to update our terms for some time now. We will do so asap :)

after i posted that i came across your post on TAZ saying something similar. I like the 'do good' policy, and my site doesn't support any of the kind of negative stuff you mention, so i'm cool with that. sorry for my overly broad interpretation of your previous statement, i'm much more clear on what you mean now.

what about your forums? it says "Our forums are currently closed in preparation for a new website coming in a few months! Please create a ticket for support." Is it really going to be that long, or is that just a typo? :P
after i posted that i came across your post on TAZ saying something similar. I like the 'do good' policy, and my site doesn't support any of the kind of negative stuff you mention, so i'm cool with that. sorry for my overly broad interpretation of your previous statement, i'm much more clear on what you mean now.

I do not blame you in the slightest for being concerned, it is our fault for keeping a very old dated TOS we've had since 2009 or so. We are a laid back group of guys who just don't want to see our work wasted. We've got no issue with tasteful adult content or marijuana or anything, its more of a catch all for giving us the right now to support terrible sites. But thank you for putting a fire under my !@# I need to get that fixed up.

what about your forums? it says "Our forums are currently closed in preparation for a new website coming in a few months! Please create a ticket for support." Is it really going to be that long, or is that just a typo? :p

Our forums are custom, in fact our entire site is. We are currently working on it and it should be ready in yeah a few months. The forums needed a lot of work so we just disabled them for now. We are up to our neck in custom work or we'd have the site done in a few weeks. :P
Mike (Creuzer) I did a support ticket on this (just like an hour ago, certainly not complaining.) Then I thought maybe it would be better to put this out there where others can find it so you don't have to re-create the wheel.

My question: about changing the default minus symbol for a collapsed category. I was able to swap out the before: content FontAwesome code for the "+" (plus) with the slanted up/down arrows. I'd like change the minus to same - that is unfortunately above my skilz and mojo-level. :(

Don't worry about your forum man - you're doing a heck of a job between here and your support tickets.
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