Fixed translateCssRules() possible regex issue


Well-known member
Using an @supports condition to test for browser transform support, XF will change a CSS template from
@supports (transform: scale(0)) {
    #xyz {
        transition: .3s cubic-bezier(.4,.2,.5,1.4);
to the following, in its final outputted form:
@supports (-webkit-transform:  scale(0)) {
    #xyz {
        transition: .3s cubic-bezier(.4,.2,.5,1.4); -moz-transform:  scale(0)) {
    #xyz {
        transition: .3s cubic-bezier(.4,.2,.5,1.4); -o-transform:  scale(0)) {
    #xyz {
        transition: .3s cubic-bezier(.4,.2,.5,1.4); -ms-transform:  scale(0)) {
    #xyz {
        transition: .3s cubic-bezier(.4,.2,.5,1.4);transform: scale(0)) {
    #xyz {
        transition: .3s cubic-bezier(.4,.2,.5,1.4);
This is fixed now, thanks.

I've also removed some of our other auto-prefixing as it's no longer beneficial as the browsers that need it have no marketshare.
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