XF 1.3 Tracking down an error in default style


My membercard overlay doesn't show after clicking username's link in alert's dropdown even in my default style.
It always occurs in IE8, but works fine in chrome and opera.
I'm running XF 1.3.3 in localhost.

So, I tracked down the culprit by :
1. disabling my add-on listeners via config.php
2. reverting all my default style's templates
3. unchecking all my template-modifications
4. setting my memory_limit as large as possible in my config.php
5. restarting XAMPP
6. restarting my computer

but that error does still exist :eek::confused:

What might have I missed for tracking down the culprit ? Any other "amunition" for me, please ?:confused:

Please tell me if this is an unresolved bug in XF 1.3.x, since this Xenforo.com site works fine in my IE8

thx :)
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