- not yet there, but could use some feedback

Absolutely love this design, it makes a change to see a forum design that looks clean and modern.
I would just love to use something similar in a future forum.
Well, let me know, I can work my magic on other forums :)

I have created a new logo for the forums, it appears now on my t-shirts and business cards (yep, am crazy enough to have these too). now I need a little support, cause AGAIN I messed up something and can't find it where it's messed up. As you click on a member, there's that dark grey box that 'floats' and shows the avatar, registration date etc. Well, in one of my 'design' sprees I was stupid enough to make the grey text (member since ... ) a dark grey, so it doesn't show almost at all. Have tried to troll into the style properties, but I can't find the setting if my life depended on it.

Thank you in advance for any hint. I sometimes get lost in measly stuff like this, it drives me bonkers :D
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