TMDb Movie Thread Starter for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

It´s 2.0.7
Are you storing images locally?

Can you give me all of your settings for the system? ACP->Options->TMDb Movie Thread Starter (leave out your API key)

There's really no reason it shouldn't be displaying.
Sure, Screens from complete setup and the addons i use
Thank you.

Temporarily set the system to 'Store Small Poster Images Locally' and 'Store Large Poster Images Locally'. That should get them displaying again.

I'll try to have a release out tomorrow to fix the problem. (it's not related to XF 1.3, it's entirely the add-on)
really nice script!

any news about tv shows or so?

thanks!!! :)
I'm still waiting for a critical API function to be completed at TMDb.

I made the mistake of asking the one question most programmers hate.. 'When will it be done?' a while back and I have a feeling it's being pushed back because of that. :(
Thanks for this nice addon
my suggestion: add tabs to display the same movie info in other languages.
I like also the TV show feature.
@Snog is there a way of disabling the custom forum view? When installing to an existing forum with a large number of posts already in the 'movie' forum it'll take a while to go back and retroactively add the TMDb data to the existing threads. During the transition it'd be nice to be able to turn off the custom forum view until all of the existing threads have been cleaned up.
@Snog is there a way of disabling the custom forum view? When installing to an existing forum with a large number of posts already in the 'movie' forum it'll take a while to go back and retroactively add the TMDb data to the existing threads. During the transition it'd be nice to be able to turn off the custom forum view until all of the existing threads have been cleaned up.
If you mean the forum list, no there isn't a way to turn it off.

The only thing you can do to make it appear somewhat normal is to edit the 'tmdb_movie.css' template and change this..


To this..

Your mileage may vary with that change. I don't recall why I specified a height, but the change seems to work for me. ;)
I check the API once a week for the final API function I need to do a TV version. That last function keeps being pushed out and not completed.

Once the function is available, I will get back to work on a version for TV shows.
I have been researching the possibility of an add-on for music. But the others you mention don't have any readily accessible databases that I know of.

@Snog, I would be more than happy to contribute to the development of this add-on for music, or maybe even sponsor it, depending on the arrangement we could reach. Please let me know if you're interested.
@Snog, I would be more than happy to contribute to the development of this add-on for music, or maybe even sponsor it, depending on the arrangement we could reach. Please let me know if you're interested.
I appreciate the offer, but contributions aren't the problem at the moment. The problem is time. I'm swamped with clients switching from vB to XF and wanting to take all of their custom add-ons with them. A couple of the newer free add-ons I've released here are a result of that. But 'New Add-on' time is scarce until the work load lessens. At the moment I'm barely keeping up with the conversion schedule for my clients. :eek:
I appreciate the offer, but contributions aren't the problem at the moment. The problem is time. I'm swamped with clients switching from vB to XF and wanting to take all of their custom add-ons with them. A couple of the newer free add-ons I've released here are a result of that. But 'New Add-on' time is scarce until the work load lessens. At the moment I'm barely keeping up with the conversion schedule for my clients. :eek:
Thanks for the quick reply, Snog!

Understood, and I'm very glad that business is good for you! (y) Anyway, if/when you have availability and you're interested in my offer, please get in touch. Cheers!
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