TMDb Movie Thread Starter for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

Edit: I have installed the newest Files, also sett the needed folders to 777
Do i need anything else to set with cURL itself?
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Well, i have just installed the update Files (where can i get the "old" ones from? I dont have the Email anymore)
Sure i did import the xml file, how else can the addon work without it ;)
Well, i have just installed the update Files (where can i get the "old" ones from? I dont have the Email anymore)
Sure i did import the xml file, how else can the addon work without it ;)
Old versions are not available.

Send me your PayPal email address via PC and I'll resend the current one. There may have been something wrong with the download.
Hi! I installed this yesterday and now the "New Posts" shows everything, even if it's been ignored by the user. I turned the addon off and tested, and it did indeed filter out the ignored subforums.

I'm using XF 1.2.0.
Hi! I installed this yesterday and now the "New Posts" shows everything, even if it's been ignored by the user. I turned the addon off and tested, and it did indeed filter out the ignored subforums.

I'm using XF 1.2.0.
I haven't seen this before. I'll look into the problem.
Hi! I installed this yesterday and now the "New Posts" shows everything, even if it's been ignored by the user. I turned the addon off and tested, and it did indeed filter out the ignored subforums.

I'm using XF 1.2.0.
I didn't realize this is a problem between Waindigo's add-on and this one. It won't be fixed right away, or at all. I'll schedule this in to be looked at in next release.
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Oh maybe that's why people are yelling at me because some forums can't be ignored with Waindigo's addon. The complaints I got seem to be nodes added after installing this.
I upgraded my Forum to XenForo 1.3.0 Beta 3 and dont get any Videos displayed anymore.
There is no Error logged.
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I upgraded my Forum to XenForo 1.3.0 Beta 3 and dont get any Videos displayed anymore.
There is no Error logged.
Could you tell me what version of the Movie Thread Starter you are running?

My install of the current version on XF 1.3 Beta 3 is running with no problem.
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