[Tinhte] XenTag

[Tinhte] XenTag 3.2.5

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hi..please add new feature limited tags on thread or a day. example: with members. we can limit 3 tags on a threads and 3 times tags on a day..
After immigrating to new host (from linux to windows), I cannot add tags with vietnamese chars like "thông báo".

Here's error log

 Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect string value: '\xE3\xB4ng b...' for column 'tag_text' at row 1 - library\Zend\Db\Statement\Mysqli.php:214
Here things I did:
- Set connection charset, server charset, client charset of mysql to utf8
- Set database collation to utf8_general_ci, change colume 'tag_text' collation to utf8_general_ci.

Nothing worked.
Spec: PHP 5.3.14 + Mysql 5.1 + IIS7 + Xcache 2.0.0
Use the Import feature. If you are importing from vBulletin, a new step will become available and let you import the tags.

Hi, We already have a live forum that was migrated from vbulletin. Can you think of a way to still import the tags from the older vbulletin forum database?
Bug report
If I tag a thread with ABC and i use any h2-h6 bbcode in the post, it will not render the tag linking properly.
[h2] is part of bbcode manager.

so if I use [h2]This is ABC company[/h2]
The it will show This is [tag=w23jlkksjfr]ABC[/tag]
This MOD is just what I needed - thanks a lot.

Just one question:

When I add a keyword like mosehornugle

A code is added in the post and it looks like this:

den første [TAG=bW9zZWhvcm51Z2xl]mosehornugle[/TAG] komme flyvende lavt hen over græaarealerne

No red though;)

Any help is very welcome
This MOD is just what I needed - thanks a lot.

Just one question:

When I add a keyword like mosehornugle

A code is added in the post and it looks like this:

den første [TAG=bW9zZWhvcm51Z2xl]mosehornugle[/TAG] komme flyvende lavt hen over græaarealerne

No red though;)

Any help is very welcome

Can you give us your url?
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