Threads not showing up in Search


Well-known member
Hi guys,
Im having a weird issue where when i search for things, the threads for them are not appearing. They appear for other items such as posts, profile posts, conversations(through addon), showcase profile(through addon), but for some reason no threads.

Even the 'useful searches' section in the search bar -> Your Threads doesnt bring up any results.

I have 90 odd addons installed on my site, i have uninstalled each of them and have none running. I have rebuilt the search index cache as well. I noticed that there was no 'thread' in the dropdown for 'build content type' so used all anyway. It was rebuilt whilst deleting the previous index.

Can someone please have a look?

website is (xenporta has been disabled so you will need to get in via

I am running XF 1.2.3

If you need any additional info please feel free to ask. just need a resolution :(
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If thread isn't showing up as rebuildable, then either an add-on has "stolen" the content type (a really bad idea), an add-on has grabbed the search handler (also a relatively bad idea), or the search handler/content type has been removed entirely (also a bad thing).

Try running this query:
REPLACE INTO xf_content_type_field
    (content_type, field_name, field_value)
    ('thread', 'search_handler_class', 'XenForo_Search_DataHandler_Thread');
Then enable/disable an add-on to rebuild the cache.

Does that help?
Hey @Mike,
It doesnt. Did as you stated and installed couple of addons and tested and still no good.

btw i checked out xf_content_type_field and these were all the entries under thread, so it looks still to be there.
thread moderation_queue_handler_class XenForo_ModerationQueueHandler_Thread
thread moderator_log_handler_class XenForo_ModeratorLogHandler_Thread
thread news_feed_handler_class XenForo_NewsFeedHandler_Discussion_Thread
thread search_handler_class XenForo_Search_DataHandler_Thread
thread spam_handler_class XenForo_SpamHandler_Thread
thread stats_handler_class XenForo_StatsHandler_Thread
thread tab_handler_class Waindigo_Tabs_TabHandler_Thread

Should 'Thread' be in the dropdown box where it says "Build Content Type"? The only options i see are :
Conversation Message
Profile Post.

What else can i check???
What do you see in the xf_content_type table itself? (You can ignore the blob field - I'm interested in the types and the addon_ids.)
im assuming you want the full list rather than just threads. here it is...

There you go @Mike ...threads content type looks like it has been changed by @Waindigo addon doesnt it?

attachment XenForo
bdbank_transaction bdbank
blog_entry LNBlog
blog_entry_comment LNBlog
conversation XenForo
conversation_message XenForo
custom_field Waindigo_CustomFields
form LiquidPro_SimpleForms
massAlert MassAlert
node XenForo
page XenForo
pageeditor_page PageEditor
pickem_reminders NFLJ_Pickem
player_rating_report nobita_PlayerRating
post XenForo
profile_post XenForo
resource Waindigo_Tabs
resource_rating XenResource
resource_update XenResource
resource_version XenResource
scheduled_post ScheduledPost
showcase_comment NFLJ_Showcase
showcase_item NFLJ_Showcase
showcase_review NFLJ_Showcase
sonnb_xengallery_album sonnb_xengallery
sonnb_xengallery_comment sonnb_xengallery
sonnb_xengallery_photo sonnb_xengallery
sportsbook XI_Sportsbook
sportsbook_comment XI_Sportsbook
sportsbook_event XI_Sportsbook
sportsbook_outcome XI_Sportsbook
sportsbook_settlement XI_Sportsbook
sportsbook_wager XI_Sportsbook
thread Waindigo_Tabs
user XenForo
xf_faq_question iversiaFAQ
xfr_useralbum XfRuUserAlbums
xfr_useralbum_image XfRuUserAlbums
xfr_useralbum_image_cmnt XfRuUserAlbums
thread Waindigo_Tabs
That's the problem there - it appears that add-on grabbed ownership of the content type. A very bad thing as if it's disabled, all the thread handlers get disabled.

If you change that addon_id to XenForo and do the disable/enable thing on an add-on, it should fix it.
Glad you spotted the fix. This is an issue that has cropped up before with a different add-on, but unfortunately the same mistake was made with this add-on. Sorry for the inconvenience.
ok thread works...but noticed server log showed errors...

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_Asp_OnlineStatus_Model_AspPost - library/XenForo/Application.php(513) : eval()'d code:1
Generated By: Unknown Account, A moment ago
Stack Trace

#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

Request State

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(61) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

oh no...clicking on any thread on the site gives this error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_Asp_OnlineStatus_Model_AspPost in /home/nzwarrio/public_html/ : eval()'d code on line 1
This looks like an unrelated error. You might want to start a new thread for this, or post in the Online Status add-on thread as it appears to be caused by that add-on.
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