XF 2.2 Banned user not showing up on search in Banned User admin panel


Active member
I have a support ticket from one of the user that got banned somehow so I went check the user list and sure enough it's red in color with a line cross it so I went to banned users admin panel and did a search .. no result found?

Then I added in the user as new ban and then do a search again and no result found .. I typed in the username exactly text to text still no search result.

I have over 5,000 on ban list and I did search test on a couple of banned user some show up as a result and many did not show up as a result ..

I Need to remove ban from this user and I can't go in every page to find that user. Where would that information be stored in database?

Perhaps, if you know their user id, you could navigate here in the ACP, where 000000 is their user id, and unban them from the Actions button:
Perhaps, if you know their user id, you could navigate here in the ACP, where 000000 is their user id, and unban them from the Actions button:

Sorry I wasn't clear enough

I can find the user in my user search .. it showing up in red letter with a line slash through the username .. I can go into user edit page ..

BUT ....

The user is not showing as "banned" and it shows VALID in user edit page ..

So I went and check the "Banned users" in admin next .. the name is not showing up as a result in there either ..

Somewhere is marking that user banned but it not showing as banned in user edit page ..

So I am trying to firgure out why is my users getting banned but not showing as banned ... They get a warning message that they are banned because of spam and I am trying to see if some spam script inside Xeroforo is banning my users.
I want to add I was able to find the user ban list by asking user when he saw the banned notice and went to the "Banned users" and search by looking at the date close to when he was banned. I found his username and remove the ban ..

The search box in Banned user kept saying user not found .. so the search box is broken or bonked.
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