I am presuming this is a bug, or else there must be an option somewhere to show the hierarchy It's epsecially annoying, you land on a resource discussion from a notification or link, and don't know if it's an xf1 or xf2 addon
You can remove this "feature as designed" problem by...
Template: core_pagenav.less
Comment out:
// Hide any block page nav that goes before the block as we will be wasting vertical space.
/*@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveNarrow)
.block-outer:not(.block-outer--after) .pageNavWrapper:not(.pageNavWrapper--forceShow)
display: none;
// this is a sanity check in case .block-outer--after is forgotten
.block-container + .block-outer .pageNavWrapper
display: block;
"wasting vertical space"? I urge the developers to re-examine what they consider "wasting vertical space". Page navigation and breadcrumbs are vital, specially on mobile.
This design principle is over a decade old and has shown no signs of becoming invalid:
One line of text shows a page's location in the site hierarchy. User testing shows many benefits and no downsides to breadcrumbs for secondary navigation.
Support wayfinding by including breadcrumbs that reflect the information hierarchy of your site. On mobile, avoid using breadcrumbs that are too tiny or wrap on multiple lines.
"On some pages, a single breadcrumb pointing up a level may be all that is necessary to support the main user goals. "
However this is not the case with a hierarchical forum with categories and sub-forums.
With the removal of the ellipsis device we now cannot help but run breadcrumbs over multiple lines.