XF 2.0 Thread page navigation at the top of thread in mobile - missing? Optional setting?


Active member
On mobile, thread pagination appears only at the bottom of the page in a thread.

How do we get that to appear at the top of the thread as well?
OK I have hacked away and found it.

You can remove this "feature as designed" problem by...

Template: core_pagenav.less

Comment out:

// Hide any block page nav that goes before the block as we will be wasting vertical space.
/*@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveNarrow)
    .block-outer:not(.block-outer--after) .pageNavWrapper:not(.pageNavWrapper--forceShow)
        display: none;

    // this is a sanity check in case .block-outer--after is forgotten
    .block-container + .block-outer .pageNavWrapper
        display: block;

"wasting vertical space"? I urge the developers to re-examine what they consider "wasting vertical space". Page navigation and breadcrumbs are vital, specially on mobile.

This design principle is over a decade old and has shown no signs of becoming invalid:

"On some pages, a single breadcrumb pointing up a level may be all that is necessary to support the main user goals. "

However this is not the case with a hierarchical forum with categories and sub-forums.

With the removal of the ellipsis device we now cannot help but run breadcrumbs over multiple lines.
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