XF 2.1 "This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors"


Well-known member
I have a post flagged with this message in an existing thread and understand possible reasons it got flagged: new user, long post, multiple links included, etc. That's fine. BUT, this message has multiple likes from other users!

How can a message be awaiting moderator approval after having been visible for a while and received likes from regular (non-moderator) users?
If you have some sort of approval spam filter for certain keywords, they may have posted. Gotten reactions. Then edited and saved with the offending keyword which then triggers the approval.

check the edit history.
AdminCP >> Groups & permissions >> User group permissions >> Forum moderator permissions

Check that those are all set to No for groups like Registered and Unregistered, especially View unapproved threads/posts. It may have been inadvertently set to Yes.
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