XF 1.4 The wrong usergroup title is being displayed

Stuart Wright

Well-known member
So I have members who have three secondary usergroups:
Member - user title override: 20
Active Member - user title override: 30
Well-known Member - user title override: 40

Obviously the displayed title should be Well-known Member, but in their posts, their title is Active Member.
There are no titles in the user title ladder.
What am I missing?

[Edit: I changed the post to read that it is happening to all members]
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Rebuild user caches. If that fixes it, then it's very likely that there is an add-on that has been interfering with the actions that need to run after saving a user.
@Jeremy could you move this thread into the bug reports please and delete posts #2, 3 and this one as they are not relevant now I have found it is happening to everyone.

[Edit: Mike I ran the user cache update yesterday and it didn't help, but just to be on the safe side I will run the promotions update and the users update again and report back. Both take more than an hour to run. Are they running on banned members? We have 32,000 banned members and not running it on those in the update would help a little bit]
At the moment there isn't enough evidence to suggest this is a XenForo bug.

Seeing as I have Admin CP access, if you list some specific users where this is happening I will look into it for you.
Did you get to the bottom of this? I'm experiencing similar issues with some members (even after rebuilding caches and having no custom titles in use).

EDIT: Sorted - I needed to alter 'Use the default user title ladder' setting in groups. :LOL:
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Did you get to the bottom of this? I'm experiencing similar issues with some members (even after rebuilding caches and having no custom titles in use).

EDIT: Sorted - I needed to alter 'Use the default user title ladder' setting in groups. :LOL:
The user title ladder won't work for us because we promote people using a mixture of trophies and messages. The ladder allows for the use of one method only.
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