The New YouTube Look

Good grief, I use youtube daily and have to say the new look, is ermmm, ever go to a site and the page partially loads up? it looks like that.Too much whites/light colours. Icons on the right look terrible. Previous design imo was far better.

Edit: Half of the screen to the right is just wasted space. Arghhhhh what have they done?

If I hadn't have seen this thread I would've thought something was wrong with my browser.
Many of the suggested videos I get is mostly 2+ years old, I've already watched most of them. And ofc a lot of suggestions that I'm not actually interested in is there as well... I watched a food recipe video recently just out of curiosity and YouTube begins to think I'm interested in cooking xD

Yes, I've experienced this as well, but I enjoy some of the videos that YouTube suggests (and that I might otherwise never see). Thus, I am missing the feature.
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