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The Happy Place - Clickable Smilies Under Editor Control

I think, am not 100% it uses individual imagery as default so you should be fine I think it's an option to enable smiley sprites. :)
They are sprites by default (well my installation was) so am going through and changing them all to individual - would explain why none of my new smilies came up :D
Just wanted to revisit my previous question: Is anyone using the animated smilies within this add-on? If so, does it affect how the page displays, or is it the same speed as before you added it? Thanks very much!
Just wanted to revisit my previous question: Is anyone using the animated smilies within this add-on? If so, does it affect how the page displays, or is it the same speed as before you added it? Thanks very much!

It depends on the amount of animated smilies you add, they're sizes in kb, server specs and a whole lot of other factors but i can't see you having and/or noticing any slowdown. I've used an abundance of animated smilies months ago and never noticed any difference thaan i did using a fully static set and i applied alot of animated smilies. You should be fine.
Alright, sounds good, thanks for the quick reply. One more question: Is this stable for 1.1 B5?
Alright, thanks very much! Will go ahead and throw this onto my site! :D
EDIT: Works great! Thanks so much! :D
Is there some way I can edit the happy_place template to make the smilies show by default?

Are you referring to the tab state? in that you want it remained opened when somebody enters a topic? If so, I'm sure it's possible but I'm not aware of how to accomplish that.
After changing everything to the sprite package, the icons don't show: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/smiley-sprite-settings.21004
Same, just added a sprite of 100 or so emotes and none of them are showing in this addon.

I guess the JS needs to be edited to work with CSS sprites, perhaps within these lines:

            tinymce.each(smilies, function(smilie, smilieName)
                if (typeof smilies === 'undefined' || smilies.length === 0 || smilies === {})
                var smilieFile  = DOM.encode(smilie[1]),
                    smilieTitle = DOM.encode(smilie[0]),
                    smilieCode  = DOM.encode(smilieName),
                    smilieLink  = '<img src="' + smilieFile + '" title="' + smilieTitle + '" alt="' + smilieCode + '" class="smilie" />';
                $happyPlace.append('<span class="smilieBox" alt="' + smilieTitle + '">' + smilieLink + '</span>');

Alas, I don't know JS, so I really have no idea. :oops:
Same, just added a sprite of 100 or so emotes and none of them are showing in this addon.

I guess the JS needs to be edited to work with CSS sprites, perhaps within these lines:

            tinymce.each(smilies, function(smilie, smilieName)
                if (typeof smilies === 'undefined' || smilies.length === 0 || smilies === {})
                var smilieFile  = DOM.encode(smilie[1]),
                    smilieTitle = DOM.encode(smilie[0]),
                    smilieCode  = DOM.encode(smilieName),
                    smilieLink  = '<img src="' + smilieFile + '" title="' + smilieTitle + '" alt="' + smilieCode + '" class="smilie" />';
                $happyPlace.append('<span class="smilieBox" alt="' + smilieTitle + '">' + smilieLink + '</span>');

Alas, I don't know JS, so I really have no idea. :oops:
Anyone has a idea how to do this? Really wish to use it with 1.1! :)
Same, just added a sprite of 100 or so emotes and none of them are showing in this addon.

I guess the JS needs to be edited to work with CSS sprites, perhaps within these lines:

            tinymce.each(smilies, function(smilie, smilieName)
                if (typeof smilies === 'undefined' || smilies.length === 0 || smilies === {})
                var smilieFile  = DOM.encode(smilie[1]),
                    smilieTitle = DOM.encode(smilie[0]),
                    smilieCode  = DOM.encode(smilieName),
                    smilieLink  = '<img src="' + smilieFile + '" title="' + smilieTitle + '" alt="' + smilieCode + '" class="smilie" />';
                $happyPlace.append('<span class="smilieBox" alt="' + smilieTitle + '">' + smilieLink + '</span>');

Alas, I don't know JS, so I really have no idea. :oops:
So it´s not a problem of the addon itself?
inph, it would be appreciated if you could update your add-on to add XenForo 1.1 compatibility and therefore supporting CSS sprite.

Thanks. :)
It works, yes, though CSS sprite is not supported, which means you have to configure your smilies to not use this feature.
would like ipad compatibility

been messing w/ it trying to make multiple tabs & rig up different smilie categories but no luck yet.
so far I have 2 tabs each w/ their own box that slides out. still can't figure out why sometimes a click does nothing forcing you to click a second time. it always works on the second try.
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