The evolution of CTA Featured Threads & Portal. What's next?

The way the schema has been written, if an archive page was ever added, any thread which has ever been featured will automatically be listed there.

However, be aware that the original thread title and content would be used, rather than the featured title and content, as once a thread is unfeatured, the data is removed from the featured table.
I doubt this is an issue for most, if not all, as in the vast majority of cases the content will be the same, with just small changes made to improve the layout of the featured thread, etc.

Sounds perfect for our use case assuming the URL remains the same (for SEO purposes).
I badly need a basic CMS feature: proper RSS feed. It would make my social media sharing life a whole lot easier. Plus it would give new integration options with XF Widget Framework.
Article/Blog layout option based on categories or forums.. (example: i have News forum... i would want article layout for all threads from this forum)
If a blog/article layout is implemented it would either be all or nothing, or on a per featured thread basis.
I can't imagine I would ever implement a system whereby specific nodes could be chosen.
Again though, it has only been requested by less than a handful of people.
I was asked to add it for a fee but that was never followed up on (I presume the cost was too high).

For example: if i want to use 7 FT on top, 7 Recent threads (using widgets from WF), and then another 5 FT from a different category and other widgets so on...... This is what a portal means (to me)
The array of featured threads already includes the node_id so it would be a simple matter to add another template and restrict the list to a specific node.
That could be done now with a few lines of code.
Dear @Brogan ,

The addon is great and all...but I'm trying to use it as an arcade and it just isn't working out. Can you help?

Seriously, though. For what you've done with it, it's pretty solid. Before you take on suggestions/requirements, you should identify the scope of the project. If you go beyond that scope, it may be time to start a new product. If you're going to make it a portal, you should definitely have customizable blocks. And to take it further, have a sort of master template system, where blocks can be arranged into single column, two-column, three-column, and so on. Customers should easily be able to plug in various (common data calls, eg. counters of posts, profile posts, etc etc), without too much work.

Overall, (and I'm sure you'll find this amusing coming from me), I think you did a fantastic job with this. Keep it up.
As add-ons go, it has probably been one of the more random and interesting journeys.
As add-ons go, it has probably been one of the more random and interesting journeys.
Yup, when i got my first license i only wanted it for the featured thread block.. When i got my second license i had replaced both my home page solutions in favor of this product which had some pretty humble beginnings..
Just a question to those who use the "portal" feature on this add on, I do not currently, has it effected traffic? Page views, posts per day or any other noticeable changes- etc that you are aware of? I like the thought of it but I am worried it would confuse "forum" goers seeking the main content.
In my experience it has increased the activity of the threads which are featured on the page.
Especially from forums which typically get less traffic.

The trick is to add just enough content to make them want to click the 'Read More' link.
Various bits of code will have to be rewritten for XenForo 2 anyway, so I could take the opportunity to refine existing features or add new ones at the same time.

Is the new version of your add-on going to be released after XF 2.o?
What would be nice is like a magazine like layout which can be assigned modules.

Modules can pick threads from different sections in blocks (based on diff criteria already available and more).. auto picking image for thumbnail etc.
If it doesn't already exist then an archive of featured threads would be absolutely necessary (unless the system can handle adding new threads without ever removing them).
An archive/history page has been suggested and it is one of the things on my shortlist.
That way the home/portal page can be limited to fewer threads and act more like a true portal.
The archive page has been added.
In my experience it has increased the activity of the threads which are featured on the page.
That's been my experience too. On for example, I'll sometimes dig in and feature a thread from years ago, and within a few minutes that thread will be an active discussion again. Dunno if that would apply to a lot of forums though, the good content on my forum is pretty timeless.
In my experience it has increased the activity of the threads which are featured on the page.
Especially from forums which typically get less traffic.

The trick is to add just enough content to make them want to click the 'Read More' link.
The slider (On my forum only shown on the featured thread page) does all this beautifully. My most controversial content is displayed in that thing and Whoa they are coming out of the woodwork joining up to comment, and some of these threads were buried for years.. I really wasnt even aware so many people are following the home tab.. Great Stuff. SEO is freaking amazing in regards to the images that accompany featured snippets.
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These are the options for the archive page:


That gives the option to display them like a standard thread list with just the thread title, or more like the portal page.

I can't really think of any other options which would be required.
This is the default layout of the archive page (albeit I have set the per page value to 5 just for testing - it will default to 20).


I decided to go with a uniform layout for the blocks, rather than a variable height layout, as it is intended to mimic the thread list.
it is of course possible to change it as everything is controlled via SPs.

With the introduction of this page, the portal page now becomes more like a true portal with a small number of featured threads displayed.
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