[TH] Custom Fields [Deleted]

I want to ask again. I create custom fields but I can't find them on search results.

Is it just me or does this not work?
if I have multiple choice custom field I make an array of arrays?
I solved with this code:
For each custom field $field of multiple choice custom field $fieldName do: $fields [$field ] = $field ;

After do:
    $arrayFields = array($fieldName => $fields);
    $serialP = addslashes(serialize($fields));
    $serialFP = addslashes(serialize($arrayFields));

    $query2 = mysql_query("
        UPDATE xf_thread
        SET custom_fields = '" . $serialFP . "'
        WHERE thread_id = " . $row1[threadid] . "
    ",$connectionD) or die("Query fault " . mysql_error());
    $query3 = mysql_query("
        INSERT INTO xf_thread_field_value
        (thread_id, field_id, field_value)
        (" . $row1[threadid] . ", '" . $fieldName . "', '" . $serialP . "')
    ",$connectionD) or die("Query fault " . mysql_error());
@Waindigo I don’t know if this is a bug, but it isn’t that useful with this problem.

If I search for a custom field within a forum it always take about 65 s before I get the results. If I search all forums it takes 95 s.
If I search for the same thing again it is instant, guess it is cached then.
Please note that as much as we would like to help with everyone's problems, we can only provide limited support for free to "non-commercial" customers on these forums. If you need support with an issue, please consider purchasing a commercial license, donating to our charity or registering at waindigo.org and purchasing a subscription that includes a level of support in order to show your support for the work we do.

We will be addressing all the issues mentioned in this thread, however this is not currently a priority for customers who are using these add-ons on their personal sites. Sorry.
Does anyone know how to change the location of the Custom thread fields in the thread view? I want to make it so that it's either above the first post (like a headlining type of thing), or that it forcest the user-info panel on the left to move out of the way so that it can take up 100% of the space.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

@Waindigo I have signed up on your forums and activated my account via the conversations on here, but I can't actually do anything, create conversations, upgrade, view threads, projects, etc.
Is there some page where it has documentation of the sign up process on your forums? It seems quite complex.
Still, I am waiting for new version of this Mod couse, like you said to me in PM, you have to make better uninstalling code couse this mode in uninstalling process delete some database rows of default official Xenforo Resource manager Mod.

@Waindigo - any news about improved uninstalling code?
I am trying to use this add-on with @Waindigo Resource ManagerS where I have Articles, Claassifieds.

When I select the field to Allow sorting (as below) in General options, TAB appears on ALL the Resources Manager(s) regardless of category in that Resource manager.

How to limit this to a specific Resource Manager that has category to which this customer field is associated with? Many thanks

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