XF 1.5 Template Styles, NOT Taking Effect


I am trying to edit he styles, well Ihave eedited them the side bars, but the chages are not taking effect. What crons do i need to run? I ran them all and nothing worked. I even rebuilt site cache (too 10min) and they did not work.. Any ideas?
What have you edited? Most style changes take effect straight away, if they're done correctly. Sometimes your browser cache can cause a delay in you seeing them. Do you have a link to your site?
What have you edited? Most style changes take effect straight away, if they're done correctly. Sometimes your browser cache can cause a delay in you seeing them. Do you have a link to your site?
I took out the foot note so It doe snot show total. I am starting simple, I want to eventually edit it so my members names are shown next to their avatars when a member is online, but I cant get anyhting to take effect. I even erased the whole content of the template saved, and nothing, re pasted and saved, nothing.... IDK WTF is wrong
Here is original:

<xen:edithint template="sidebar.css" />

<!-- block: sidebar_online_staff -->
<xen:if hascontent="true">
    <div class="section staffOnline avatarList">
        <div class="secondaryContent">
            <h3><a href="{xen:link members, '', 'type=staff'}">{xen:phrase staff_online_now}</a></h3>
                    <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.is_staff}">
                                <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" />
                                <xen:username user="$user" rich="false" />
                                <div class="userTitle">{xen:helper userTitle, $user}</div>
<!-- end block: sidebar_online_staff -->

<!-- block: sidebar_online_users -->
<div class="section membersOnline userList">       
    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <h3><a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_online_users}">{xen:phrase members_online_now}</a></h3>
        <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
                <xen:if hascontent="true">
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
                <ul class="followedOnline">
                        <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                            <xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
                                <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip">                                <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" />
                                <xen:username user="$user" rich="true" />
                                <div class="userTitle">{xen:helper userTitle, $user}</div></li>
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
            <ol class="listInline">
                <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
                    <xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
                            <a href="{xen:link members, $user}"
                                class="username{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' invisible'}{xen:if {$user.followed}, ' followed'}">{$user.username}</a><xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                        <xen:else />
                            {xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
                    <li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
        <div class="footnote">
            {xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z_robots_a, 'total={xen:number $onlineUsers.total}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}', 'robots={xen:number $onlineUsers.robots}'}
<!-- end block: sidebar_online_users -->

Here is edited and now:
<xen:edithint template="sidebar.css" />

<!-- block: sidebar_online_staff -->
<xen:if hascontent="true">
    <div class="section staffOnline avatarList">
        <div class="secondaryContent">
            <h3><a href="{xen:link members, '', 'type=staff'}">{xen:phrase staff_online_now}</a></h3>
                    <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.is_staff}">
                                <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" />
                                <xen:username user="$user" rich="false" />
                                <div class="userTitle">{xen:helper userTitle, $user}</div>
<!-- end block: sidebar_online_staff -->

<!-- block: sidebar_online_users -->
<div class="section membersOnline userList">       
    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <h3><a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_online_users}">{xen:phrase members_online_now}</a></h3>
        <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
                <xen:if hascontent="true">
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
                <ul class="followedOnline">
                        <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                            <xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
                                <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip">                                <xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" />
                                <xen:username user="$user" rich="true" />
                                <div class="userTitle">{xen:helper userTitle, $user}</div></li>
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
            <ol class="listInline">
                <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
                    <xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
                            <a href="{xen:link members, $user}"
                                class="username{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' invisible'}{xen:if {$user.followed}, ' followed'}">{$user.username}</a><xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                        <xen:else />
                            {xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
                    <li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
<!-- end block: sidebar_online_users -->
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