Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

Can't you just disable the "sent from tapatalk" part ? I have.

My problem is this freaking tapatalk notice that pops up in the mobile browser.
So you're now just using the responsive layout? How's that working out for you?
Great! There were a few people questioning why we were removing Tapatalk, but now everyone seems to be inline with our thought process. Next stop is to add adsense and only show to ppl using responsive design.
Great! There were a few people questioning why we were removing Tapatalk, but now everyone seems to be inline with our thought process. Next stop is to add adsense and only show to ppl using responsive design.

I used to have a dedicated app when i was running Vbulletin, with forumrunner, and I had quite a few users from it then. When i moved to xenforo I obviously lost that which was a big hit as I had more than 25,000 visits per month coming from the app :(

Now my tapatalk stats look like this:


And I'm also debating with myself to remove it for the sake of my responsive layout, or a BYO app.
I used to have a dedicated app when i was running Vbulletin, with forumrunner, and I had quite a few users from it then. When i moved to xenforo I obviously lost that which was a big hit as I had more than 25,000 visits per month coming from the app :(

Now my tapatalk stats look like this:

View attachment 63319

And I'm also debating with myself to remove it for the sake of my responsive layout, or a BYO app.
Those stats are similar to what we had (ours was hitting 20-25 per day). Wow 25k hits per month! Thats a shame you lost that...remember to send a broadcast to your users a few times in advance if you do decide to remove yourself from the tapatalk shackles.
I really don't know what to do, I think losing all that mobile traffic was a big hit, but I'm reluctant to go back to a BYO app such as tapatalk's that costs 500$/year
Removing tapatalk was a no-brainier here. The multiple bugs and lack of revenue earning options made it a very simple decision. Yes we took some flak over the decision from the community however most members quickly took to the responsive format and the complaint quickly turned into praise due to the increased functionality of the responsive design vs a third party app.. No regrets.. I do miss the push notifications but I have a feeling we will be able to receive those from our default mobile browsers sooner then later..
I'm another who removed Tapatalk, again due to bugs, security issues and the removal of features such as disallowing guest access. The final decision was made when I tried to raise these issues on the Tapatalk forums and the mods simply deleted the threads!

Again I had a few who complained but when I explained the reasons for removal, most understood. I implemented the Unread Post Count add-on which has helped, especially mobile users as they can see at a glance if there are any new posts to read. The responsive design has proved a success too, mobile users were surprised at how good it was.

I'm glad I made the decision and I've never looked back. :)
I'm another who removed Tapatalk, again due to bugs, security issues and the removal of features such as disallowing guest access. The final decision was made when I tried to raise these issues on the Tapatalk forums and the mods simply deleted the threads!

Again I had a few who complained but when I explained the reasons for removal, most understood. I implemented the Unread Post Count add-on which has helped, especially mobile users as they can see at a glance if there are any new posts to read. The responsive design has proved a success too, mobile users were surprised at how good it was.

I'm glad I made the decision and I've never looked back. :)

Deleting threads... Now, where also have I seen that? :unsure:o_O:LOL:
My experience echos that of @VonDoom and @Martok - some complaints, a few grumbles from those who'd bought Tapatalk specifically for our forum - but after a week or two people had got used to the change (and I won't be going back to a third-party app).
(and I won't be going back to a third-party app).

Yeah that's my concern too. Make a tapatalk BYO app, and then again start building a big userbase in that, until something forces me to shut it down again as before with forumrunner, and I'm left with nothing, plus upsetting my users.
I;ve tried to contact the admins a few times, no replies at all!


I now run http://motovlog.com/ which was using phpbb. I've moved the forum onto the Xenforo platform (brilliant move). Although the site has a fantastic mobile fluid theme, I thought that I will try Tapatalk again

However - I cannot register my own website because (I guess) you have the domain under the old forum owner - Any solution?
I;ve tried to contact the admins a few times, no replies at all!


I now run http://motovlog.com/ which was using phpbb. I've moved the forum onto the Xenforo platform (brilliant move). Although the site has a fantastic mobile fluid theme, I thought that I will try Tapatalk again

However - I cannot register my own website because (I guess) you have the domain under the old forum owner - Any solution?
I have the same problem.I got no help from their support. They basically told me there was nothing they can do.
I have the same problem.I got no help from their support. They basically told me there was nothing they can do.

After reading this thread. I've decided that I will leave it off!

My traffic is up 30% since I took it over, I was thinking if I add it back then maybe I could 'nudge' but it's not a lose as the mobile function is awesome with xenforo - Noone has actually complained about not having Tapatalk since I removed phpbb
I'm getting blasted with server error logs like this. Any ideas?

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to a member function render() on a non-object -mobiquo/mobiquo.php:78
Generated By: SKELETOR, Today at 6:00 AM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(42) "http://www.nonewbs.com/mobiquo/mobiquo.php"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Cannot use object of type XenForo_Phrase as array - library/Tapatalk/ControllerPublic/Tapatalk.php:54
Generated By: Unknown Account, Wednesday at 12:26 AM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(114) "http://www.nonewbs.com/members/infi...estUri=/&_xfNoRedirect=1&_xfResponseType=json"
["_GET"] => array(4) {
["card"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfRequestUri"] => string(1) "/"
["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
["_POST"] => array(0) {
I'm planning on disabling Tapatalk for regular members, but leaving it for premium members (who don't see ads anyways).
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