TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

Since my javascript knowledge is practically zero, I need to make this suggestion:

View attachment 37246
That is an html question.

I didn't test this but it should be:
Template: dark_taigachat_online_users

<h3><a href='{xen:link '{$taigachat.route}'}'>{xen:phrase dark_members_in_chat}</a></h3>
<h3><a href='{xen:link '{$taigachat.route}'}'>{xen:phrase dark_members_in_chat}</a> ({xen:number $taigachat.online.total})</h3>

And comment out/remove
<div class="footnote">
{xen:phrase dark_in_chat_x, 'total={xen:number $taigachat.online.total}'}
That is an html question.

I didn't test this but it should be:
Template: dark_taigachat_online_users

<h3><a href='{xen:link '{$taigachat.route}'}'>{xen:phrase dark_members_in_chat}</a></h3>
<h3><a href='{xen:link '{$taigachat.route}'}'>{xen:phrase dark_members_in_chat}</a> ({xen:number $taigachat.online.total})</h3>

And comment out/remove
<div class="footnote">
{xen:phrase dark_in_chat_x, 'total={xen:number $taigachat.online.total}'}

This actually should work, as the entire box is replaced each time it gets refreshed
That worked like a charm, thank you :) Granted I didn't look thoroughly at the templates because I thought the members online widget is generated entirely by taigachat's javascript file since there is no members online widget with disabled javascript (although there is no point using this chat without javascript because it won't work).

In the dark_taigachat_full template I saw this empty div:
<div id='taigachat_online_users_holder'></div>

And since this div isn't empty with javascript enabled I thought its content is generated by javascript. There must be some hook for this I guess.
Luke, if a guest or someone with no chat permission visits the chat, he is usually presented with the "you don't have permission etc" line, but I noticed that the sidebar is still visible, with all its information. To fix this, make the following edit in the dark_taigachat_full template (just add the red code):

Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="!{$taigachat.canView}">
<xen:else />

	<xen:edithint template="sidebar.css" />

	<xen:include template="sidebar_online_users">
		<xen:map from="$taigachat.onlineUsers" to="$onlineUsers" />
	<div id='taigachat_online_users_holder'></div>


This will remove the sidebar for everyone with no chat permission.
hi, bought the pro, what I would like to know is how do I changed the standard color for the automatic chat reply when someone post a thread, it shows as a light grey against a white background and is hard to see. My chat box is at www.beantoenbullys.net, you can see for yourself what I mean. Thanks in advance.
How to fix this issue? I can Google data/taigachat/messages.html

and read everybody's shoutbox message on any site no matter the permissions.

Huge, huge problem!!!
How to fix this issue? I can Google data/taigachat/messages.html

and read everybody's shoutbox message on any site no matter the permissions.

Huge, huge problem!!!
I do not understand why it needs to be named messages.html, it's not possible to use another format, like .php so that you could hide the content from being viewed?
Would also be possible to deny access with a rewrite somehow?
How to fix this issue? I can Google data/taigachat/messages.html

and read everybody's shoutbox message on any site no matter the permissions.

Huge, huge problem!!!
From what I understand that's how the Speed Mode option works. Luke even said that if you have sensitive information in the chat, don't enable this option.
From what I understand that's how the Speed Mode option works. Luke even said that if you have sensitive information in the chat, don't enable this option.

(Note that this system makes it possible for users who know what they are doing to view (not post) shoutbox messages regardless of permissions - be sure to disable it if you plan on posting private data in shoutbox messages. For the vast majority of uses (even as a members-only or VIP chat), this is not an issue and it can be safely enabled.)
Well "know what they are doing" is quite generic and would usually mean they have some knowledge, but in this case the page is even crawled by spiders, are we sure there is no way to not make the page so easily accessible? I suppose people can live without speed mode, but maybe something can be done to make it more secure.
@oman, do you have speed mode disabled or enabled on your site? I'm curious because I can see yours by adding /data/taigachat/messages.html or messagesmini.html

I have it disabled, because I don't need speed mode as of yet.
If you have speed mode disabled, then why can I see your shoutbox by viewing messages.html on your site? The mod states with it Enabled the messages are viewable.
All the messages in his messages.html are dated 20th november, i guess he had it enabled at some point.
If you have speed mode disabled, then why can I see your shoutbox by viewing messages.html on your site? The mod states with it Enabled the messages are viewable.

It looks like the messages there are the ones from before I disabled speed mode.
good news! there must be a way to keep those files private though for people with speed mode on. or an option to clear it every so often. I don't think pruning the shoutbox clears those files.
good news! there must be a way to keep those files private though for people with speed mode on. or an option to clear it every so often. I don't think pruning the shoutbox clears those files.
I don't use this addon, but i guess you could try use some rewrite rules.
I adjusted the file permissions to 600:


You shouldn't be able to view either of them now.
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